Buffalito World Outreach Project
One challenge of the 21st century is to use advances in technology to create and test new paradigms in publishing. This is one such effort. BWOP is my attempt to use science fiction to reach the entire planet. I’m not saying the world will be a better place if everyone knows about buffalitos, but it will certainly be a different place.
Toward that end I’ve been reaching out to various foreign language markets, and pulling in favors from friends and acquaintances who are native speakers of tongues other than English, all toward the goal of having the first Amazing Conroy story, “Buffalo Dogs,†made available in as many languages as possible.
These translations are here for you to share, and are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
“Buffalo Dogs†in Catalan
Gossos búfal – translation by Nicolau Rodrigues
mobi :: ePub
“Buffalo Dogs†in Chinese
野牛犬 – translation by LI Guangyi
A4 PDF :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogsâ€
original English story by Lawrence M. Schoen
Letter PDF :: ePub
“Buffalo Dogs†in Estonian
*** translation in progress ***
A4 PDF (coming soon) :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Finnish
Puhvelikoirat – translation by Katja Rosvall
mobi :: ePub
“Buffalo Dogs†in German
Büffelhunde – translation by Michael Schuster
A4 PDF :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Hebrew
כלבי בופ×לו – translation by ×˜×•× ×™ שבכר
A4 PDF (coming soon) :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Japanese
ãƒãƒƒãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒãƒ¼ ドッグ – translation by Laura Nuffer and Dr. Kazuhiko Machida
A4 PDF :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Klingon
tangqa’ targhmey – translation by Alan Anderson
Letter PDF :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Latvian
*** translation in progress ***
A4 PDF (coming soon) :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Macedonian
*** translation in progress ***
A4 PDF (coming soon) :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Persian
*** translation in progress ***
A4 PDF (coming soon) :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Polish
Pieski – translation by Agnieszka Solska
mobi :: ePub
“Buffalo Dogs†in Spanish
Perros búfalo – translation by Nicolau Rodrigues
A4 PDF :: ePub (coming soon)
“Buffalo Dogs†in Mexican Spanish
Perros búfalo – translation by Sabina Trigueros
mobi :: ePub
“Buffalo Dogs†in Swedish
Buffelhundar – translation by Yens Wahlgren
A4 PDF :: ePub (coming soon)