Conroyverse > Additions
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This is the place where you can add items to the index, either stubs that need to be expanded upon, or the complete entry. Use the REPLY box below.
There’s no entry in FICTION for Calendrical Regression.
It is -very- unclear that all of the stories listed under fiction are in fact currently available.
It would be a blessing to add an entry under fiction for Buffalito Buffet, explaning that it has these short stories… Buffalo Dogs, Buffalogenesis, Barry’s Tale, A Buffalito Of Mars, Requiem, Telepathic Intent, The Matter At Hand, and Yesterday’s Taste
Oddly, the COVER for buffalito Buffet shows up below the fiction page, but there’s no mention of it.
Sorry to be such a creep, but… it would be nice if at the top you said something like:
“All the Conroy stories are currently available, nothing is out of print. The older chapbooks have been assembled into “Buffalito Buffet” which is available from all the usual sellers.
Basically, it just hasn’t been updated in a long time.
Rick Boatright
09.29.18 at 8:52 pm
Thanks, Rick. You’re right on all counts. In fact, the entire website could probably do with some revamping.
I’ll see about fixing some of these things in the coming months.
09.29.18 at 9:39 pm