Conroyverse > Stuff
Anything that doesn’t fit neatly into any of the categories.

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The Consortium of Aligned Technologies
* entry needed * [TIn]
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Licensed Surrogagte
* entry needed * [Buf]
Liquid Gravity
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Lithic ichthus
A species of silicon-based fish native to the planet Bwill. Hard as corundum and ugly as sin, this fish is considered a delicacy by the planet’s natives, interplanetary food critics, and offworld foodies. [YeT]
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A Glamorkan constructed language that dates back to the start of their planetary diaspora.
Trigger Phrases
Conroy almost always inserts a two-word trigger phrase when he hypnotizes someone, a combination that is exceedingly unlikely to occur in casual conversation. He typically creates a unique phrase for each individual, using the name of a mythical deity and a flavor.
Calinda – Pistachio Isis [TIn]
Angela Colson – Janus Banana [BaT]
Ken Jensen – Jalapeño Osiris [Dog]
Left-John Mocker – Coyote Rhubarb [MaH]
and again – Cayenne Gilgamesh [BD]
Rhine – Hestia Ambrosia [YeT]
Donald Swanseye – Ganesha Hazelnut [Req]
Triggers Conroy has used on himself:
– Spumoni Heimdahl [Dog]
– Quetzacoatl Persimmon [Buf]
– Raspberry Gong De Tian [Dog]
– Obà tálá Butter Pecan [BD]