
Gej is not in Canada

4 comments Written on November 17th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

Valerie and I are in Toronto, enjoying a brief, post-recovery getaway, to be quickly followed by the joys of SFContario.

Not surprisingly, we had to leave Gej at home.

He’s probably sitting on the steps, moping, and doing his best to look pathetic.

Or that’s what he wants me to think.

But I know for a fact that he loves the house-sitter madly, and that she’s playing with him and giving him rubbies and telling him he’s a good boy (even when he’s not).

So stop with the guilt-inducing face, boy! It’s not working.

Well… Okay, maybe it’s working a little.

Sad Gej


4 comments “Gej is not in Canada”

I feel guilty from that sad face- and he is not even my dog. I am so easily guilted!

Perhaps you should send him a nice toy, to help you assuage your feelings of guilt.

I really couldn’t call myself “Gej-sitter,” because he’s far too rambunctious to get himself sat upon. Rest assured he’s not moping pathetically on the steps. He’s on the half wall in the kitchen!
No, no, I’m teasing. He’s fine, watching the house, doing his thing, barking at the rain, following me around like a four-legged vacuum in case I drop something when I’m making dinner. All is well; he is semi-patiently awaiting your return, and practicing THAT FACE when he thinks I’m not looking.

Well, that’s a relief.

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