Last week while I was toiling away at the DayJob, I received a phone call with some really nice news about this year’s Nebula Awards, specifically that my novella, “Trial of the Century,” which appeared in the World Jumping anthology from Hadley Rille Books, had found its way onto the ballot.
Sitting on this news for the past week (as requested by the Events folks at SFWA) has been maddening. All they told me was that I’d made the list. Now, seeing the other names and stories, I’m even more blown away and humbled (a word that I try to avoid using) at the company I’m keeping.
Thank you to everyone who read my novella. Time is every writer’s most precious commodity, and knowing some of my fellow SFWA members have burned some of theirs in reading my work is very gratifying. Even more thrilling is that some of those folk liked it enough to nominate it. This in turn increases the likelihood that other SFWA members will give it a read (now that it’s on the ballot), and that makes me really chuffed indeed. Who among us doesn’t want to be read, and more, read by our peers?
Congratulations to all the nominees, and especially to Andy Duncan & Ellen Klages, Vylar Kaftan, Nancy Kress, Veronica Schanoes, and Catherynne M. Valente. I look forward to seeing you all in San Jose in May.

If you haven’t yet read “Trial of the Century,” here are some links to help you fix that tragic oversight:

For those of you who like award trivia, let me hook you up:
This is my second year in row being nominated for the Nebula for Best Novella. Both novellas are from the same series, my Amazing Conroy universe. And both novellas were published by a small press, Hadley Rille Books.
Finally, for those of you who are not members of SFWA but who do have nominating rights for this year’s Hugo Awards (which opened just the other day), feel free to download your own complimentary copy of “Trial of the Century.” Despite landing on the Nebula ballot, last year’s novella didn’t make the Hugo ballot. Let’s try and correct that this year, okay?

This novella is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license.
Follow the link if you’re not sure what that means.
Tags: Awards, Conroyverse, SFWA
Thanks for the free copy of your novella. I’ve really enjoyed it and it’s definitely going to be in my Hugo ballot. And I also plan to read more of your Amazing Conroy stories. Good luck in the Nebula (and also in the Hugo).
03.29.14 at 6:31 am
Thanks for the Hugo nom. It’s much appreciated. I’ve been on the Hugo ballot before, but I didn’t make it to the Worldcon that year (it was in Australia). I will be in London this summer, and it would be grand to attend the pre-award reception and sit in the front seats in a tux. 😀
In related news, the ebook version of Buffalito Buffet is about to go online. So, you’ll be able to read all the other stories for a mere three dollars!
03.29.14 at 1:55 pm