If you’re anywhere near the greater Research Triangle area this weekend, I encourage you to drop in at Illogicon II, which opens today, Friday, about noon and runs through Sunday, January 13th.
It promises to be an awesome convention, which isn’t hard given GoHs like Tim Powers and Garth Graham, not to mention having Mark Van Name along as Toastmaster.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying to yourself, “hey, that’s fine, but why is he talking about Illogicon II when the subject line reads Illogicon III? And what’s the big announcement?”
Thanks, I’m glad you asked. Ahem.


I will be one of the GoHs at Illogicon III
The convention will run January 10-12, 2014, and registration for that convention will begin today at this year’s convention.
So go ahead and sign up this weekend, and you can have a full year of anticipation because I’ll be bringing both Klingon and Buffalitos to this con (and maybe even Klingon Buffalitos)! Rumor has it there will even be prizes randomly awarded to someone registering this weekend.
Tags: Appearance, Conventions
Congratulations on the GoH gig! It couldn’t happen to a finer Buffalito-toting, Klingon-speaking human male ANYWHERE!
01.11.13 at 12:02 pm