After several days of wretched insomnia, I seem to be back on track at last. Last night served up a fairly solid six hours (though I did awaken at several points throughout the night, I also managed to go back to sleep).
Up today a bit before six a.m., got some reading done for a novella contest I’ve been involved in, put in some time cleaning up the mess that is my office (seriously, where does all this crap come from?), and in a very short while I’ll be off to Pilates.
Valerie and I have an afternoon movie and dinner scheduled for later today, but we may end up postponing that for a week. Discussion to follow. All in all though, it’s looking like a pretty good day.
Oh, and one more thing: it’s cold out. That means I may opt to build a fire at some point. That would be nice too.
Tags: Health