November is here, and this time around it’s a three-convention month for me. The first of these, the World Fantasy Convention, has come and gone. Next up is Philcon, running from the 20th to the 22nd.
I have a fairly light schedule, the highlight of which will be my reading featuring chapter two from Barsk. I read this for the first time last weekend at WFC, and I have to tell you it was the single best reading that I have ever done!. So, if you missed it, join me at Philcon and we’ll see if it gets better the second time around.
Here’s my full schedule:
Saturday, November 21sr
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (Autograph Table) Signing
Bring me something to scrawl my name on. Novels. Magazines. Small children. My signature is yours to command.
12:00 – 12:30p.m. (Executive Suite 623) Reading
As promised above, I’ll read from chapter two of Barsk. Meet the protagonist, Jorl, and hear him talk to his dead friend, Arlo. Yeah, that’s right, Arlo’s dead. Not a problem.
01:00 – 02:00 p.m. (Plaza IV) Using Language Creatively
From Hemingway’s spareness to Lovecraftian atmospheric density to Chandleresque similes, there are a variety of ways language can be used to enhance the worlds you write. How do language and syntax choices affect the way a story is perceived?
with A.T. Greenblatt (M), Christie Meierz, Joseph Berenato, L Hunter Cassells
Sunday, November 22nd
01:00 – 02:00 p.m. (Plaza III) The Uses of Time Travel
Why do you want to travel into the past or future? Knowledge? Loot? Talking yourself out of bad decisions? Setting up the best prank ever? If given the opportunity would you, or wouldn’t you?
with Lawrence Kramer (M), Michael A. Ventrella, John Ashmead, Michael L. Brachman, JJ Brannon

Also, on Saturday night, I’ll be hosting a party for the San Marino in 2019 Worldcon Bid. Check out the link, support the bid, and come to the party to celebrate the many incredible authors who have been nominated for the Campbell Award. Eat cake! Be audacious! And never, ever settle for just a city.
See you at Philcon!
Tags: Appearance, Barsk, Conventions, Traveling