As I write this, it’s the last day of the second of four conventions I’m doing this month. I get a week off before heading to my third, which will be Philcon. Alas, I’ll only be there for a single day, Saturday, November the 17th, but it will be a very full and long day. I’m looking forward to visiting with some folks I rarely get to see, and this year’s Principal Speaker is one of my favorite authors, Steven Brust, so I’m especially psyched! Here’s my tentative schedule:

Saturday, November 17th
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | Crystal Ballroom Three | The Fiction of Steven Brust
Really, the title says it all. What a great panel to get to be on. I’m smiling as I type this!
with Joan Wendland (mod), and Carl Fink
1:00 p.m. – 02:00 p.m. | Executive Suite 623 | Reading
This year the convention is squeezing three readers into an hour. Interesting trick. They’ve listed me as “moderator” which I’m choosing to believe means I get to pick who’s reading first. Just so you know, that will be me. My current plan is to read to you from an exciting new novelette that’s coming out next month from Future SF.
with Gordon Linzner, and Susan Shwartz
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.| Autograph Table | Signing
I’ve been paired with Gordon Linzner again, and since this time he’s listed as “moderator” that probably means he gets to choose who sits on the right and who sits on the left. Either way, come by and I will sign stuff for you.
with Gordon Linzner

That’s pretty much it. Other than the above, I expect to be hanging out in the lobby, or the bar, or the restaurant, or to have slipped off-site for a meal, so your ability to find me may be a matter of luck.
Though, for those who are more into stalking, it’s fair to say that I’ll be spending a good deal of time in Steven Brust’s autograph line from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. I have all his books and somehow most of them have never been signed. Fortunately, I have a suitcase…
Tags: Appearance, Barsk, Conventions, Traveling