As mentioned four weeks ago, I’ll be spending the post-Thanksgiving weekend in Timonium, MD attending Chessiecon.
My schedule has changed a bit from the initial posting, but you’ve still got a month to put the following particulars into your calendar if you’re determined to stalk me there (and I hope you are). Here’s the shiny new version of what I’ll be doing, where and when during the con:
Friday, November 27th
3:00 p.m. (Greenspring 2) Alien Language Q&A, Led by The Klingon Guy
Aliens. How can authors better walk the tightrope between making them sound understandable while at the same time keeping their language, well, alien. Lawrence M. Schoen, author, former professor of psycholingustics, and founder of the Klingon Language Institute, will help you make some sense of it all..
Saturday, November 28th
10:00 a.m. (Greenspring 2) Reading
To no one’s surprise, I’ll read from my forthcoming novel, Barsk
11:15 a.m. (Atrium) Signing
This is your chance to have me sign all the things! Seriously, all of them!
6:45 p.m. (Atrium) Mass Signing
Authors, artists, and musicians gather in one room for signing/book-selling/chatting with fans. This is your chance to have me sign all the things you didn’t have me sign earlier in the day!
with Ursula Vernon, Steve Kozeniewski, TJ Perkins, Cathy Hird, Heather Rose Jones, Intisar Khanani, Kim Headlee, Cristin Kist, Jeff Gritman, Tamora Pierce, Steve Haug, Margaret Carter, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, D.C. McLaughlin, Mary Fan, C.S. (Celia) Friedman, Tom Smith, Roberta Rogow, Harrison Demchick, Karen MacLeod, Seanan McGuire, Charles Butler, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Kelly A. Harmon
Sunday, November 29th
10:00 a.m. (Chesapeake 6) KaffeeKlatch
Sign up for this intimate chat and ask me all the stuff. We’ll talk about Life and Death, Klingon, Hypnosis, Language, and anything else you want. And, if I can convince my publisher, there’ll even be prizes!
1:45 p.m. (Greenspring 1) How Much Do I Worry About My Own Canon?
Writing a series? Sure, you don’t want to get major things wrong, or contradict yourself. But are you creating a work of art for which you have to bend the rules sometimes — or even do so deliberately, for effect, as M. John Harrison does in his Viriconium stories? Or is our increased awareness, through the internet, of fan readers, their concerns and reactions (and their attempts to write coherent fanfic) boxing us in? As major franchises mess with their Canon, what about us writers?
with Harrison Demchick, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Don Sakers (M), Steve Kozeniewski

This convention marks the one-month-to-launch date for Barsk. So, yeah, I’m more than a little excited.”
See you at Chessiecon!
Tags: Appearance, Barsk, Conventions, Traveling