
Newsletter Subscription Form

Comments Off on Newsletter Subscription Form Written on September 11th, 2016 by
Categories: News

Why a Newsletter?

Because I want to keep you happy and well fed between published novels.

Here’s what I envision going forward in each issue:

  • weekly reminder links to the popular EATING AUTHORS series, so you never miss a meal
  • never-before published bonus materials involving characters you already know and love.
  • contests for free Advance Reader Copies and chances to be Tuckerized in the next book.
  • details of upcoming signings, readings, and convention appearances, in case I’m coming to a city near you and/or you want to stalk me (but please, in a good way).

Every installment will include the option to opt out if at any time you decide you’re no longer interested. Also, you have my promise that your personal information will never be sold, bartered, or given away to the scum who are trying to destroy your corner of the internet.

That’s the pitch. To sign up, just click here and fill out the form.
