I’ve been sitting on this news since Monday and now I can finally share it. I am deliriously happy to announce that for the third consecutive year a story featuring the Amazing Conroy — my stage hypnotist in space — has landed on the Nebula ballot for Best Novella!
My thanks go out to Barbara Hill for giving it a home, and to everyone who took the time to read it and found it worthy of your attention.
Congratulations to the awesome authors sharing this category with me, and who make me look good by allowing me to be counted among them.
Daryl Gregory for We Are All Completely Fine, (Tachyon)
Nancy Kress for Yesterday’s Kin, (Tachyon)
Ken Liu for “The Regular,” (Upgraded)
Mary Rickert for “The Mothers of Voorhisville,” (Tor.com 4/30/14)
Rachel Swirsky for “Grand Jeté (The Great Leap),” (Subterranean Summer ’14)

This also means that you have unlocked the “Tuxedo Gambit” achievement. I’ll be continuing my regimen of exercise and healthful eating so that I can show up at the Nebs at least fifty pounds lighter than in 2014, and create the comparison photo in dueling tuxedos.
See you in Chicago!
Tags: Awards, Conroyverse, Conventions