Despite a week lost to post-Lunacon con-crud, it just wouldn’t be a Monday morning without checking in on an author’s memories of a favorite meal. This week’s Eating Author is none other than Robert Greenberger (seen here with his wife, Deb). He’s the man with all the answers, details, and trivia, as shown in such books as The Essential Batman Encyclopedia, The Spider-Man Vault: A Museum-in-a-Book with Rare Collectibles Spun from Marvel’s Web (written with Peter A. David), and the forthcoming Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History: To Boldly Go Where No Fan Has Gone Before, just to mention a few.
Bob is easily one of the nicest people in the business, despite having been at it since 1980 when he started at Starlog. From there he moved to DC Comics as an editor and administrator, drawing particular praise for his work with Star Trek. He spent time at Marvel, returned to DC, expanded into the world of freelance writing doing media tie-in properties, original fiction, as well as non-fiction.
More recently, after three decades in the biz, Bob decided to go back to school — as an English teacher! Nowadays, when he’s not shaping the minds of high school students, he still keeps his hand in publishing, as a co-founder of the recently launched Crazy 8 Press.

LMS: I need to begin with an apology for waiting so long to post your meal. But, now that we’re finally here, please take a moment to tell the good people reading this blog what you consider to be the best meal you’ve experienced — and keep in mind, some of your students may be reading this!
RG: I’ve had many good meals but the best? Tough call. The one that immediately sprang to mind was the crab feast at the 1983 World Science Fiction Convention in Baltimore. I was taught how to crack a crab, what to eat, given a mallet and let loose. I ate myself silly for hours, table-hopping along the way. At the time, I was on staff at Starlog and Deb accompanied me as my roving photographer so we had a marvelous time together. We met and dined with painter David Mattingly and our publisher Kerry O’Quinn among others.The food was succulent and the spice was tangy and wonderful.

Bob, you may not believe this, but I had a similar experience at a convention in Baltimore (though without the benefit of having Deb along). I’m still amazed they actually gave me a mallet!
Next Monday: Another author and another meal!
Tags: Eating Authors