
DaHjaj Hol 110117 #tlhIngan #tlh

2 comments Written on January 17th, 2011 by
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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language.

I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen and today is Monday, January 17th, 2011, which means you need a verb. Fortunately, I have one close at hand. That verb is Hegh. Captial H E GH. Say it now, Hegh. . . Hegh. . . Hegh. . .

Hegh means die
as in jIHegh I die
or bIHegh you die
or the command, yIHegh die!

Hegh is one of those verbs which really doesn’t seem to want an object. But, as Kirk told those twinkly lights from Zetar, all things die. So practice putting nouns in the subject position. Fortunately, you have lots of nouns.

For example,
Hegh HoHwI’ the killer dies
or Hegh DujlIj your ship dies

And of course, there’s always room for chuvmey to make your sentences more interesting. Such as,
reH Hegh romuluSngan the Romulan always dies
tugh Hegh ghungwI’ soon the hungry one will die

And finally, don’t forget that you can use verb suffixes too. Thus,
Heghrup bolwI’lI’ your drooler is ready to die

Continue swapping different words and parts of speech into this basic sentence until you’ve managed every combination of person or thing that we’ve talked about, and you’ve had them all die. This may seem funny to you now, but sometime down the road, you’ll learn a new verb, and you’ll use this same technique to lock it in your mind, and review a lot of old vocabulary at the same time.

Until then though, remember, qo’mey poSmoH Hol, Language Opens Worlds


2 comments “DaHjaj Hol 110117 #tlhIngan #tlh”

Just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying these. I’m starting to fall behind a bit (it’s getting harder for me to remember new words). It seems to be catching a bit though… although when my wife was doing the warrior yoga pose and I told her biSuvwI’ today she didn’t think it was as cool as I did.

Fred, I’m pleased you’re enjoying the sessions.

One correction: you can’t put a verb prefix on a noun. So, while you can say bISuv you fight, once you put the suffix -wI’ on the verb, it’s a noun.

While there is a very esoteric school of thought that will tell you that bISuvwI’ does mean something, that particular argument is best left up to the grammarians, and for our purposes it’s not a legitimate word.

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