
DaHjaj Hol 110124 #tlhIngan #tlh

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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language.

I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen and today is Monday, January 24th, 2011, which makes this officially wot jaj or Verb Day. And I know what you’re thinking, that I gave you a bunch of bonus verbs yesterday, and that’s true. But I’m going to give you another one today. Why? Because it’s Verb Day. What better reason could I have?

Today’s verb is tu’. Say that with me. tu’. tu’. That’s T U apostrophe.

tu’ means discover or find or notice or observe.

Now that we’re in our fourth week, a good language warrior should be constantly wondering how each new piece of language can be combined with the other pieces we’ve covered already.

You know that tu’ is a verb, so ask yourself, what can you do with verbs?

For one thing, you can put verb prefixes on them. Fortunately, you have a bunch of prefixes to practice with:

yItu’ find it!
jItu’ I find or I notice
bItu’ you find
Datu’ you notice it
matu’ we find
wItu’ we notice her
DItu’ we find them

What else can you do with verbs? Well, for one thing, in a sentence, verbs have subjects. You know, the things that are busy doing all that verbing. And sentences also have objects of verbs, the things that are being verbed upon. Subjects and objects are nouns, and you know some nouns. Plug them into a sentence with tu’

For example, you should know how to say:

the waiter finds the ship

That would be Duj tu’ jabwI’, where Duj means ship, and jabwI’ is waiter.

Note in this sentence that the word order is Object Verb Subject, which is the opposite of how you’d say it in English.

If we said jabwI’ tu’ Duj, that would translate as the ship finds the waiter.

That’s all we’ll do today. I want you to think about using tu’, and focus not just on word order as you practice, but on the feel of the words as you speak them. You might notice the sensations in your lips and tongue as you form words in Klingon, and that these sensations are different. Not better or worse, just different. Also new.

Hardly a surprise though, considering that we know, qo’mey poSmoH Hol, Language Opens Worlds.


Today’s podcast is brought to you by The Tao Te Ching,
translated by Agnieszka Solska.


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