
DaHjaj Hol 110127 #tlhIngan #tlh

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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language.

I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen and today is Thursday, January 27th, 2011, which means it’s time for more suffixes!

Today I’m going to give you a second Type 2 verb suffix, and two Type 3 verb suffixes. I bet you’re excited now, huh? Huh?

The Type 2 suffix is –nIS, that’s N, Capital I, Capital S. It indicates that the subject needs to perform the verb. For example:

nIteb jIHeghnIS
I need to die alone

romuluSngan DaHoHnIS
you need to kill the Romulan

Compare those to the same sentences with the other Type 2 verb suffix you already know, -rup:

nIteb jIHeghrup
I am ready to die alone

romuluSngan DaHoHrup
you are ready to kill the Romulan

Got it? Good, let’s move on to your Type 3 verb suffixes.

The two suffixes are –choH and –qa’, spelled CH, O, Capital H, and Lowercase Q, A, Apostrophe, respectively.

Both of these suffixes are a little unusual for English speakers, but they’re also very cool. They both refer to a change of action or state, but in different ways.

–choH indicates that whatever state or action the verb describes, it wasn’t happening before, but now it is. It’s a change from before. Thus, in the sentence

charchoH megh
the lunch is slimy

the lunch wasn’t slimy before, and now it is. A better translation might be, the lunch has become slimy

Here’s another example:

jabwI’ SuvchoH chom
the bartender fights the waiter

they weren’t fighting before. The use of –choH lets us know that the bartender has only just begun to fight.

The second of the Type 3 verb suffixes, -qa’, is even more subtle. Its use indicates that the action or state of the verb had occurred before, stopped at some point, and is reoccurring. Thus:

charqa’ megh
the lunch is slimy again


jabwI’ Suvqa’ chom
the bartender again fights the waiter

And that’s a lot of suffixes to assimilate for one day, but people, you know, absorb vast amounts of grammar and vocabulary when they really want to. I think you want to, so I’ll bring you more tomorrow.

Until then, remember, qo’mey poSmoH Hol, Language Opens Worlds.


Today’s podcast is brought to you by
Klingon for the Galactic Traveler,
by Marc Okrand.


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