
DaHjaj Hol 110227 – you, me, and the polar bears #tlhIngan #tlh

2 comments Written on February 27th, 2011 by
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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.

Today is International Polar Bear Day. No, I’m serious. Go on line and check it out yourself if you don’t believe me.

But anyway, let’s talk about verb prefixes, just you and me.

That’s my subtle way of telling you that today’s prefix, which by the way is cho-, CH, O, indicates a second person singular subject, that is, you, and a first person singular object, that is to say, me. So choverb means you verb me.

you kill me

choSuvchugh bIcheghlaHbe’
if you fight me you cannot return

choSuchqa’ mejchoH SoSlI’
as soon as you visit me again, your mother will start to leave

Now that you know how to use cho-, will you combine it with qa- and practice a series of you/me and I/you sentences, or will you contrast with Da- and compare you/me sentences with you/it and you/him and you/her and you/them. Whichever way you go, one thing is clear: qo’mey poSmoH Hol. Language opens words.

no object me us you you (pl) him/her/it them
I jI- qa- ? vI- ?
we ma- ? ? wI- ?
you bI- cho- ? Da- Da-
you (pl) Su- ? ? bo- bo-
he/she/it mu- nu- Du- ?
they mu- nu- nI- ? ?


Today’s podcast is brought to you by
The Klingon Hamlet,
restored by Nick Nicholas and Andrew Strader.


2 comments “DaHjaj Hol 110227 – you, me, and the polar bears #tlhIngan #tlh”

Shouldn’t choSuchqa’ have a -DI’ on the end to make it “as soon as you visit me again”?

Clearly it should. I need to stop recording these so late at night.

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