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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
It’s a Verb Day, my friend, and using verbs are as natural to a Klingon as breathing. Purely by coincidence, today’s verb is tlhuH. TLH, U, Capital H. tlhuH means breathe. As can happen in Klingon, tlhuH is also a bonus noun for you, which means breath.
Follow along with me, as I take a deep tlhuH to give you some sample sentences:
tlhuH qa’be’ romuluSngan
the Romulan did not breathe again
tlhuHlaHbe’ nov ‘ach bollaH nov
the alien cannot breathe but it can drool
bIr banglI’ tlhuH
your beloved’s breath is cold
tlhuHmeH nujlIj DaqawnIS
in order to breathe, you need to remember your mouth
I won’t tell you to practice Klingon everyday, because the very fact that you’re listening to this podcast shows me you’ve made a commitment to the language. But you can practice in many different ways, at different times, with different situations, and I encourage you to mix things up. However you normally practice, do something different today. And tomorrow, find another way. Think of each change as a new world to conquer. You’ll be surprised at how easily language opens those worlds. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.
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This week the podcast is brought to you by
Buffalito Contingency by Lawrence M. Schoen
Tags: Klingon