
DaHjaj Hol 110630 – in progress #tlhIngan #tlh

2 comments Written on June 30th, 2011 by
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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.

I’d like to end the month, and mark our halfway point in this year of Klingon podcasting, by focusing on a piece of Klingon grammar that doesn’t exist in English, the concept of “aspect.” We’ve touched on it before with some Type 7 verb suffixes, and today I’m going to show you another of these. It’s –lI’. That’s L, Capital I, Apostrophe. When you use –lI’ you indicate that the action or state of the verb is in progress, which is not the same thing as saying it’s happening right now. You can be in the middle of something in the past, the present, and/or the future, and since Klingon doesn’t use tense that part of things isn’t important. If that’s a bit confusing, then pay close attention to these examples:

DaH narghlI’ nov
the alien is escaping now

reH beplI’ SoSlI’
your mother is always complaining

bI’elpa’ jImejlI’
before you entered, I was leaving

tugh ‘uQ wISoplI’
soon we will be eating dinner

It’s easy to imagine yourself using this new suffix, is it not? Embrace the difference between aspect and tense, and reflect on valuing whether an action is completed or still in progress rather than when it occurred. From the perspective of the Klingon world, it’s the occuring that’s important. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.


Today’s podcast is brought to you by the 18th annual summer conference of the Klingon Language Institute (aka the qep’a’ wa’maH chorghDIch) which runs from Sunday morning on August 14th through late evening Tuesday, August 16th. The following day, Wednesday, August 17th, is the official beginning of the 69th annual World Science Fiction Convention, conveniently taking place right there in Reno, Nevada!

Back to the qep’a’: This year, we’ll be splitting the conference into two parts:

Part One will be the usual blend of fellowship, curse warfare, singing, story-telling, and assorted language challenges as we’ve enjoyed for the past seventeen years, and will run from Sunday through Monday. We’ll begin in a meeting room at the Hyatt Place Reno-Tahoe Airport Hotel for Sunday and Monday, and on Tuesday morning we’ll move to larger function space over at Reno’s convention center (courtesy of Renovation, the 69th World Science Fiction Convention).

Part Two will begin at noon on Tuesday, and consist of various introductory lessons and explanations intended for newbies, beginners, and visitors dressed in Federation pajamas (or other noncombatants). Klingon grammarians will be on hand to help newcomers (not to be confused with linguistic “fresh meat!”) learn the basics of Klingon and use it to chat, sing, play games, and insult one another.

Full details can be found at http://www.speakklingon.info/

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2 comments “DaHjaj Hol 110630 – in progress #tlhIngan #tlh”

I was planning on leaving alone the fact that bep was again used here as “whine”, but I figure I may as well mention it wrap up paragraph you accidentally said “It’s easy to imagine using this new prefix, is it not?” instead of “suffix”. Sorry for being a stickler, it’s just how my yab works.

Thanks. An easy fix to the page  (if not the recording). I’ve updated the page, and with luck any confusion caused by the inconsistent recording will be resolved by people reading these comments.

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