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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
Time for us to visit the fourth and final verb suffix of quality. I’m talking about theType Six verb suffix law’. L, A, W, Apostrophe. Adding law’ to your verb indicates that the action seemingly or apparently occurs. It’s a great way to express skepticism or doubt without coming right out and saying so, as you’ll see in these examples:
yoHlaw’ HoDma’
our captain seems to be brave
mughato’wIjmo’ chovuvlaw’
because of my mugato, you apparently don’t respect me
reH Qaplaw’taH vavlI’
your father is always seemingly winning
tugh nuHIvlaw’ romuluSnganpu’ ’ach nutojlaH
the Romulans will apparently attack us soon, but they could trick us
Things are not always as they seem to be. Then again, sometimes they are. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “This is apparenlty a very enjoyable play,” and we all know how that turned out. Being able to qualify or elaborate on the quality of a verb provides an additional layer of subtley and precision to your use of the language. You understand that’s a good thing, right? qo’mey poSmoH Hol
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Buffalito Destiny by Lawrence M. Schoen.
“Only Lawrence Schoen could blend the Mayan eschaton, nightclub hypnotism, corporate elitism, radical environmentalism, and good old-fashioned slam-bang adventure fiction.”
— Jay Lake, Campbell Award winner
“The Amazing Conroy is a stage hypnotist who has parlayed an alien buffalo dog — a creature that eats anything and farts oxygen — into a powerful corporation worth billions. An ambitious plan to use these buffalitos to clean up toxic waste sites places him in direct conflict with a radical anti-alien ecoterrorist organization, and before long, Conroy is on the run with only his pet buffalito, Reggie, and his gambler pal, Left-John Mocker, to aid him. As bizarre dreams guide him inexorably towards a mysterious destiny, Conroy deals with prophetic aliens, ancient Mayan ruins, exquisite sandwiches and the temporally-unstable state of Texas. Part crisis-filled road trip, part gonzo race against time, and all tongue-in-cheek humor and charm, this nutty tale may sound strange, but Schoen somehow makes it all come together.”
— Publishers Weekly
Tags: Klingon