
Posts Tagged ‘Appearance’

My 2017 Albacon Schedule

No Comments » Written on March 28th, 2017 by
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March has gotten away from me and is almost out the door. But before it’s completely gone, I’ll be taking a roadtrip up to Albacon where my friend, Chuck Gannon is the Guest of Honor. It’s been a few since I’ve been to this convention (the last time I was there it was still being held in October!) and I’m looking forward to a weekend with friends and colleagues. Oh yeah, I’m the convention’s designated “RoastMaster” so I’ve got that going for me.

Here’s my schedule for those of you who wish to find me.

Friday, March 31st
8:00 – 8:55 p.m. | Colonie | Ice Cream Social
I’ve been off most dairy (and sugar and flour and land-based proteins) for the past four weeks. So come by and watch me get a sugar rush like I haven’t experienced since childhood!

Saturday, April 1st
3:00 – 3:25 p.m. | Hotel Bar | Reading
If everyone there has already read Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, I’ll read a snippet from the opening of the sequel (now sitting on my editor’s desk).

4:00 – 4:55 p.m. | Hotel Lobby| Signing
This is your chance to come by and have me sign all the things! And too, I’ll have a few copies of Bars on hand, in case you’ve forgotten to bring one of your own.
with Ryk E. Spoor

8:00 – 8:55 p.m. | Colonie | Charles Gannon Roast
The convention asked me to write the appreciation of Chuck for the program book. Now I have to repudiate all the nice things I said there.
with Alex Shvartsman and Ken Burnside

Sunday, April 2nd
10:00 – 10:55 a.m. | Colonie | Tales of the Less-than-Consolidated Tech Republic
Contributors to the forthcoming Consolidated Tech Republic Anthology will discuss working in Charles Gannon’s world.
with Charles Gannon, Alex Shvartsman, and Robert E. Waters

As you can see, I am not heavily programmed. So look for me in the bar. Better yet, invite me out for a meal!

See you in Albany.

My Final VancouFur 2017 Schedule

No Comments » Written on March 1st, 2017 by
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Weeks ago I posted my tentative schedule for this convention, promising to post an update when things firmed up some. That’s what you’re looking at now, and you’ll see that almost nothing has changed (though now I have room assignments for you). That says a lot about the folks handling programming. Well done.

Not content to rest on their laurels, all of a day after I had my initial scheduling information they loaded me up with their online scheduling utility. So, I’ve had this a bit and wanted to wait in case they had any last minute changes. Sorry, that’s not their style, they got it all right the first time. So now, without further ado, here’s were you can find me during my Author GoH gig at VancouFur.

Thursday, March 9th
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom A | Opening Ceremonies

Friday, March 10th
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Boardroom A | Author Meet & Greet
I’ll probably only be at this for the first half hour, because at 1:30 I have to go to…

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Tivoli’s II | Ice Cream Social
And I’ll probably only be at this for the first half hour as well, because at 2:00 I have to go to…

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Fraser | State of Anthropomorphic Writing
with Tony Greyfox and Ocean Tigrox

3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Fraser | Klingon Language!
Come by and ask questions or just listen to me tell stories from more than two decades of spreading Klingon around the world.

Saturday, March 11th
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Fraser | Language and SF
I talk about language and linguistics at almost every convention I attend, and it’s never the same thing twice because language is so awesome!

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Fraser | Q&A Reading w/ Lawrence M. Schoen
I’ll read a bit from the sequel to Barsk, and then answer your questions about that book, other stories, novellas, and novels I’ve written, about writing in general, or most anything you want to ask me.

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Fraser | Advantages of Small Press Publishing
I’ve sold short stories to a couple dozen small press anthologies. My first two novels came out from a small press. I run a small press of my own. And I’m on the Board of Directors for SFWA where we talk about small press contracts and such. So, come by and let’s kick around some of the pros and cons of small press publishing.

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom A | GOH Dinner
This seems like a good thing for me to attend. I’m a big fan of dinner. What’s portion size like in Canada? If you sit next to me, can I eat off your plate too?

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom A | Variety Show
I expect to be in attendance, likely because I ate too much at the dinner to be able to move yet. (It’s your fault. I can’t believe you let me eat off your plate like that).

Sunday, March 12th
12:00pm – 1:00pm | Boardroom A | SFWA Q&A
The fine folks at VancouFur have graciously provided me some space to hang out and answer questions about the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for anyone who might be interested in what they do, what resources they make available, what the perks of membership include, and what you can avail yourself of without even joining! So come on by.

When I’m not doing programming, I’ll likely be drinking a Diet Coke, wandering around in the public spaces, chilling at the bar, or possibly typing away frantically on a tablet (in either a public space, or the bar). Feel free to come over and say “hi” if you like.

My Tentative VancouFur 2017 Schedule

No Comments » Written on February 1st, 2017 by
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In early March, I’ll be traveling to Canada. Specifically to Vacouver, British Columbia, where I have the privilege of being the Author GoH at VancouFur.

I’m especially excited to be going as this will be my first Furry convention!

Earlier today they sent me the details of my schedule. Some of this will change and I’ll post an update when it does. In particular, I’m eager to learn who I’ll be doing panels with. You’ll know when I do. 🙂

Thursday, March 9th
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Opening Ceremonies

Friday, March 10th
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Author Meet & Greet
I’ll probably only be at this for the first half hour, because at 1:30 I have to go to…

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Ice Cream Social
And I’ll probably only be at this for the first half hour as well, because at 2:00 I have to go to…

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | State of Anthropomorphic Writing
with Tony Greyfox and Ocean Tigrox

3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Klingon Language!
Come by and ask questions or just listen to me tell stories from more than two decades of spreading Klingon around the world.

Saturday, March 11th
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Language and SF
I talk about language and linguistics at almost every convention I attend, and it’s never the same thing twice because language is so awesome!

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Q&A Reading w/ Lawrence M. Schoen
I’ll read a bit from the sequel to Barsk, and then answer your questions about that book, other stories, novellas, and novels I’ve written, about writing in general, or most anything you want to ask me.

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Advantages of Small Press Publishing
I’ve sold short stories to a couple dozen small press anthologies. My first two novels came out from a small press. I run a small press of my own. And I’m on the Board of Directors for SFWA where we talk about small press contracts and such. So, come by and let’s kick around some of the pros and cons of small press publishing.

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | GOH Dinner
This seems like a good thing for me to attend. I’m a big fan of dinner. What’s portion size like in Canada? If you sit next to me, can I eat off your plate too?

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Variety Show
I expect to be in attendance, likely because I ate too much at the dinner to be able to move yet. (It’s your fault. I can’t believe you let me eat off your plate like that).

Sunday, March 12th
Time to be Determined | SFWA Q&A
I’ve asked the convention if they could perhaps find some space for me to hang out and answer questions about the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for anyone who might be interested in what they do, what resources they make available, what the perks of membership include, and what you can avail yourself of without even joining! So come on by.

When I’m not doing programming, I’ll likely be drinking a Diet Coke, wandering around in the public spaces, chilling at the bar, or possibly typing away frantically on a tablet (in either a public space, or the bar). Feel free to come over and say “hi” if you like.

My Tentative Philcon 2016 Schedule

No Comments » Written on November 7th, 2016 by
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Apparently there’s a programming schedule viewable online for this year’s Philcon. I only found out about this because another author let me know that I’m on it (which I expected, though I’ve still not heard a peep from the con about my actual schedule). But, that’s the last bit of complaining you’ll likely hear from me on the topic because I’ve been given a truly wonderful schedule. And here it is:

Saturday, November 19th
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Crystal Ballroom Three | Writing For Aliens: Constructing Languages
with Nathan Lilly (mod), James L. Cambias, Barry B. Longyear, Kathleen Bragg, Samuel R. Delany

12:00 p.m. – 01:00 p.m. | Executive Suite 623 | Readings: C. J. Cherryh & Lawrence M. Schoen
So this year the convention is grouping readings in twos. I’ve been paired with Principal Speaker, C. J. Cherryh. And yes, that sound you just heard is my head exploding. She reads at noon, and I’ll go on at 12:30 (or whenever she says I can). Oh, and I’ll be reading an early chapter from the BARSquel.
with C. J. Cherryh

1:00 p.m. – 200 p.m.| Autograph Table | Signing
I’ll be sitting alongside Larry Hodges. He’s Larry. I’m Lawrence. Get it right.
with Larry Hodges

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Plaza II | Generating a Balonium Field: Pseudoscience in SF Storytelling
While we like to keep real science as accurate as possible, sometimes it’s necessary for a writer to just make things up. How do you do so in a way that sits well with your readers?
with John Ashmead (mod), Earl Bennett, Lawrence Kramer, Joan Wendland

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Executive Suite 823 | Launch Party
Danielle Ackley-McPhail (aka the Queen of Launch Parties) is throwing a bash to celebrate the release of The Best of Defending the Future. There will be food, readings, food, signings, food, and who knows what other kinds of distraction. Oh, and you can buy books too, count on it.
with many many talented authors from the series

I’ll likely also be around for a bit on Friday afternoon and evening, and likely not on Sunday. I’ve got to get back to work on the BARSquel

My 2016 Capclave Schedule

No Comments » Written on September 22nd, 2016 by
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After a year of far too much travel, things are finally winding down and the remaining stops on my convention schedule are much closer to home and familiar. Next up is Capclave, just down the road a couple hours in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

In addition to the panels and other items. listed below, please note that I’ll be at the awards presentation on Saturday night. Two of the authors up for the WSFS award this year, Beth Cato and Leona Wisoker, were nominated for stories from the anthology Cats in Space, edited by Elektra Hammond and published by Paper Golem. Neither of these authors can attend, and so it will fall to me to accept on their behalf. A happy chore indeed.

Friday, October 7th
8:00 – 8:55 p.m. | Rockville/ Potomac | An Animal World
Animal protagonists need to be a mix of animal nature and human level intelligence, not just people in animal suits. The panel will discuss the joys and pitfalls of working with these characters.
with Alan Loewen (M), Mike McPhail, Bernie Mojzes, and Michelle D. Sonnier

Saturday, October 9th
12:00 – 12:25 a.m. | Seneca | Reading
If everyone in the room has already read Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, I’ll read — for the first time anywhere — the opening chapter or two from the sequel!

12:30 – 12:55 a.m. | Author’s hallway table | Author Table
I’ll be putting in some time showing off some of the things I’ve written and/or published. This is a narrow window in which to pick up some classic Paper Golem titles.

2:00 – 2:55 p.m. | Rockville/ Potomac | Writing Gadgets Well
How do you work technology into your story without boring the reader? You want to make your “inventions” believable, but how much is too much?
with Barbara Krasnoff, Edward M. Lerner, and Darcy Wold

3:00 – 3:55 p.m. | Salon A | World Creation and Maintenance
Authors are gods when it comes to world creation. The panelists will discuss not only how they create a world, but also how it can grow, especially if the story is part of a series.
with Ann Chatham, Sarah Beth Durst, and Victoria Janssen

7:30 – 8:25 p.m. | Salon A | Mass Autograph Session
I’ll be sitting at a table somewhere, with paper name tent in front of me, waiting to sign all the things. Please come by with your share.

8:30 – 10:00 p.m. | Salon A | WSFA Small Press Award
Come join the convention in honoring both short fiction and small presses. Lots of honorable mentions and someone wins the prize. All things being equal, there’s a 2 in 9 chance I’ll be reading someone’s acceptance speech!

I have really been looking forward to this convention. Low key, good conversation, and some truly wonderful Peruvian food.

See you in Gaithersburg!

My Updated Schedule for MidAmeriCon II

No Comments » Written on August 3rd, 2016 by
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It seems only appropriate that as I head out for a different convention this morning that I update what I’m doing — where and when — during the Worldcon. Here we go:

Wednesday, August 17th:
3:00 – 4:00 (KCCC 2207) Pacing the Novel
How do you intensify a scene, bringing the reader deep into the narrative, and still keep the novel moving? Learn how the three basic types of text (exposition, dialog, and description) affect the pace of your work so you can suspend time or send the story rocketing onward. Panelists share techniques and approaches to balancing intensity and movement in order to draw readers into your characters, allow them to experience key moments in your book, and get them excited about what happens next.
with Melinda Snodgrass (M), Elizabeth Bear, Brooke Johnson, and L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Thursday, August 18th:
9:00 – 5:00 (Marriott 1) SFWA Board Meeting
A long day during which Hamilton‘s “The Room Where It Happens” will be running through my mind nonstop. Maybe.
with Cat Rambo (M), Bud Sparhawk, M.C.A. Hogarth, Susan Forest, Kate Baker, Sarah Pinsker, Matthew Johnson, and Jennifer Brozek

Friday, August 19th:
9:00 – 10:30 (TBA) Codex Breakfast
The annual Worldcon gathering of Codexii and breakfast foods.
with J.W. Alden, Rebecca Birch, Ginny Campen, Tom Carpenter, Beth Cato, J. Kathleen Cheney, Liz Colter, Tina Connolly, Austin DeMarco, SB Divya, Nora Fleischer, Sarah Grey, Amanda Helms, Gary D Henderson, Randy Henderson, Jennifer Hicks, Larry Hodges, Sharon Joss, Anna Kashina, Benjamin C. Kinney, Gary Kloster, William Ledbetter, Fonda Lee, Terra LeMay, Stephanie Loree, Brian K. Lowe, Ronya F. McCool, Rob McMonigal, Mel Melcer, Allison Mulder, Nina Niskanen, Aimee Ogden, Sunil Patel, Laura Pearlman, Sarah Pinsker, Jenny Rae Rappaport, Matt Rotundo, Erica Satifka, Catherine Schaff-Stump, Rebecca Schwarz, Elizabeth Shack, David Steffen, Jeff Stehman, Julie Steinbacher, Andrea G Stewart, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, K.M. Szpara, Beth Tanner, Erin A. Tidwell, David VonAllmen, Tinatsu Wallace, Fran Wilde, Jay Wolf, Caroline M. Yoachim, and some of their guests (holy crap, that’s a lot of pancakes!)

1:00 – 2:00 (Autographing Space) Autographing
I will be signing all the things (yes, I said it, all of them!).
with Jeanette Epps, Alex Jablokow, Lyda Morehouse, and Mary A. Turzillo

4:00 – 5:00 (Literary Beer Space) Literary Beer
Sign up and come by and we will talk about stuff like language and death and why I don’t drink beer.
with Karl Schroeder (who will presumably be at another table talking about other stuff)

Saturday, August 20th:
8:30 – 9:30 (Marriott Lobby) Stroll with the Stars: Farm to Table
Before the city temperatures rise and the humidity takes over join us for a stroll of the The City Market where you can buy fresh fruit, vegetables and baked goods at KC Tradition.
with Eva Elasigue, Esther Friesner, Jennie Goloboy, Mary Robinette Kowal, Geoffrey A. Landis, Perrianne Lurie, Jeff Orth (M), Cat Rambo, Julia Rios, Tex Thompson, Mary A. Turzillo, and Carol Wolf

11:00 – 1:00 (KCCC 2205) SFWA Business Meeting
All members of SFWA are encouraged to attend to hear the latest updates from the board about what SFWA has been doing and what plans are in place for the next year.
with Kate Baker, Jennifer Brozek, M.C.A. Hogarth, Matthew Johnson, Sarah Pinsker, Cat Rambo, Susan Forest, and Bud Sparhawk

3:00 – 4:00 (KCCC 2210) Ask a Scientist
Do you have a pressing question about the earth’s warming, worm holes, advances in communication technology, cloning? A panel of scientists in varied areas of expertise are here to answer your scientific queries. Answers will be timed out at five minutes each, so don’t ask for a detailed explanation of General Relativity! Please keep questions brief and specific.
with Rachael Acks, Bill Higgins (M), Claire McCague, and Geoffrey A. Landis

5:30 – 6:00 (KCCC 2203) Reading
To absolutely no one’s surprise, I will read a bit from Barsk.

Sunday, August 21st:
8:30 – 9:30 (Marriott Lobby) Stroll with the Stars: The Hugo Hangover
As we recuperate from the pageantry of the Hugo Awards join authors, artists, editors, fans and scientists as we look for the perfect hangover cure.
with David Brin, Eva Elasigue, Gay Haldeman, Joe Haldeman, Perrianne Lurie, Jeff Orth (M), Cat Rambo, Michelle Sagara, Alan Stewart, Tex Thompson, and Carol Wolf

10:00 – 12:00 (KCCC Lester Young B) Writers Workshop 4B
with Kelly Robson and three writer/student/victims

In addition, you’ll find me attending other authors’ readings, popping in at the Hadley Rille Books anniversary celebration, and hanging out in the bar and the SFWA suite.

My Tentative GenCon Writers’ Symposium 2016 Schedule

No Comments » Written on July 27th, 2016 by
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GenCon Writers' Symposium

Huh. Oh well, I thought this had posted to the blog a couple weeks ago, but apparently not. Soo…

And now for something completely different, in a calendar year that has had me bouncing around the country to an unprecedented number of conventions and bookstore signings — and beginning about two weeks before I head off to Kansas City for the Worldcon — I’m going to Indianapolis to take part in the GenCon Writers’ Symposium 2016.

And not just me, but dozens of brilliant authors (as well as some agents and editors) too. And, oh yeah, I think there’s a big gaming convention going on around us at the same time.

Anyway, here’s where you can find me:

Thursday, August 4th
9:00 a.m. (Capital 1) Special Event: Symposium Opening Ceremonies
With Marc Tassin

10:00 a.m. (Chamber) Short Fiction: Plotting Short Stories
With Donald J. Bingle, Gabrielle Harbowy, John Helfers (M), and Sunil Patel

2:00 p.m. (Chamber) Short Fiction: Where to Start the Story
With Marie Brennan, Steve Drew (M), Cat Rambo, and Peter Tieryas

Friday, August 5th
9:00 a.m. (Chamber) Marketing: Social Media 101
With Gwenda Bond, Joshua Alan Doetsch, Steve Drew (M), Melanie R. Meadors

1:00 p.m. (Causus) Writing Novels: Story Arcs that Drive the Reader
With Matt Forbeck, John Helfers (M), Jody Lynn Nye, and Aaron Rosenberg

2:00 p.m. (Capital 1) Character Craft: Characters That Aren’t Reflections of You
With Rachel Dunne, Susan J. Morris (M), Carrie Patel, and Aaron Rosenberg

5:00 p.m. (Cabinet) Writer’s Craft: How to make your alien language alien

Saturday, August 6th
12:00 p.m. (Chamber) Writer’s Craft: Fun Story, Smart Message
With James Lowder, Christoper Rowe, Aaron Rosenberg, and Gregory A. Wilson (M)

5:00 p.m. (Congress II) Reading
With Sunil Patel

As always, all of the above can change, from topics to timing to the people listed. If I become aware of any major changes prior to the event, I’ll do my best to post a “final” schedule.

See you at GenCon!

My Partial Schedule for MidAmeriCon II

No Comments » Written on July 18th, 2016 by
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The Worldcon is about a month away and while they haven’t yet assigned all the supplemental bits of programming yet (i.e., Literary Beers, Readings, Kaffeeklatsches, Autographing, children’s program, workshops, or demonstrations), I can share my upcoming panels and a few other bits with you. And so I shall.

Wednesday, August 17th:
3:00 – 4:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) Pacing the Novel
How do you intensify a scene, bringing the reader deep into the narrative, and still keep the novel moving? Learn how the three basic types of text (exposition, dialog, and description) affect the pace of your work so you can suspend time or send the story rocketing onward. Panelists share techniques and approaches to balancing intensity and movement in order to draw readers into your characters, allow them to experience key moments in your book, and get them excited about what happens next.
with Melinda Snodgrass (M), Elizabeth Bear, Brooke Johnson, and L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Thursday, August 18th:
9:00 – 5:00 (Marriott 1) SFWA Board Meeting
with Cat Rambo (M), Bud Sparhawk, M.C.A. Hogarth, Susan Forest, Kate Baker, Sarah Pinsker, Matthew Johnson, and Jennifer Brozek

Friday, August 19th:
9:00 – 10:30 (TBA) Codex Breakfast
The annual Worldcon gathering of Codexii and breakfast foods.
with J.W. Alden, Rebecca Birch, Ginny Campen, Tom Carpenter, Beth Cato, J. Kathleen Cheney, Liz Colter, Tina Connolly, Austin DeMarco, SB Divya, Nora Fleischer, Sarah Grey, Amanda Helms, Gary D Henderson, Randy Henderson, Jennifer Hicks, Larry Hodges, Sharon Joss, Anna Kashina, Benjamin C. Kinney, Gary Kloster, William Ledbetter, Fonda Lee, Terra LeMay, Stephanie Loree, Brian K. Lowe, Ronya F. McCool, Rob McMonigal, Mel Melcer, Allison Mulder, Nina Niskanen, Aimee Ogden, Sunil Patel, Laura Pearlman, Sarah Pinsker, Jenny Rae Rappaport, Matt Rotundo, Erica Satifka, Catherine Schaff-Stump, Rebecca Schwarz, Elizabeth Shack, David Steffen, Jeff Stehman, Julie Steinbacher, Andrea G Stewart, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, K.M. Szpara, Beth Tanner, Erin A. Tidwell, David VonAllmen, Tinatsu Wallace, Fran Wilde, Jay Wolf, Caroline M. Yoachim, and some of their guests (holy crap, that’s a lot of pancakes!)

Saturday, August 20th:
11:00 – 1:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) SFWA Business Meeting
with more SFWA members than have been together in one room in KC for a long while

3:00 – 4:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) Ask a Scientist
Do you have a pressing question about the earth’s warming, worm holes, advances in communication technology, cloning? A panel of scientists in varied areas of expertise are here to answer your scientific queries. Answers will be timed out at five minutes each, so don’t ask for a detailed explanation of General Relativity! Please keep questions brief and specific.
with Rachael Acks, Bill Higgins (M), Dr. Claire McCague, and Dr. Geoffrey A. Landis

Sunday, August 21st:
10:00 – 12:00 (Lester Young B, KCCC) Writers Workshop 4B
with Kelly Robson and three writer/student/victims

In addition, I’m hoping for a reading, a signing, and maybe even a kaffeeklatsche. And if someone is organizing the daily Strolling with the Stars, expect to see me there at least twice. If the con gets around to sharing these details with me, I promise to pass them on to you.

In addition, I’ll probably be attending a lot of other authors’ readins, popping in at the Hadley Rille Books anniversary celebration, as well as hanging out in the bar and the SFWA suite, a lot.