
Posts Tagged ‘Appearance’

My Shiny One-Day Balticon 2015 Schedule

No Comments » Written on May 19th, 2015 by
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So here’s the deal. I’m doing way too much travel this spring. I just returned from a trip to southern California. Next week I’ll be up in NYC for BEA/Bookcon. Mere days after returning from that, I’m flying out to Chicago for the Nebula Awards Conference. So, while I do realize that the Memorial Day Weekend is traditionally one of the busiest convention weekends for Science Fiction, I just can’t swing it this year.

And that’s a huge shame, because I was looking forward to attending ConQuesT 46 in Kansas City, seeing old friends, hanging out with so many of the Hadley Rille Books authors, playing games like “Story in a Bag” with members of both courts of NobleFusion, and arranging for a cage match between two different publishers of Nebula-nominated Amazing Conroy novellas (sorry, Barbara and Eric). But it is not meant to be.

But I can’t just go cold turkey.

So the folks at a Balticon 49 have generously agreed to let me do a couple panels on Saturday, which means I’ll be making a daytrip that day, showing up at the convention quite early and getting back in my car quite late (okay, technically, it’ll likely be Sunday by the time I reach home again, but this is NOT a technical blog, so shut up).

Here’s we’ll you’ll find me when I’m not in the bar/greenroom/at-breakfast/lunch/dinner/partying:

Saturday, May 23rd

2:00 – 4:50 p.m. | Derby | Targeting Submissions: The Pitch
How do you pick the best publications to send your work to? How do you sell them on your ideas and craft?
Joy Ward, Jennifer R Povey, Aaron Rosenberg, Bud Sparhawk, and me.

6:00 – 4:50 p.m. | Salon B | How Do You Work Technology into your Story
You spent five pages describing the workings of that ray gun. It needed to be credible, you thought. Sorry, but your readers fell asleep after the first paragraph. Hint: your story ain’t about a ray gun. Discover what to keep in and what to leave out in your fiction.
Walt Boyes, Jack McDevitt, Mark L Van Name, and me.

In addition, I’ll have copies of Paper Golem’s purfect new anthology Cats in Space with me and I will let you buy them (because I’m a nice guy like that).

Also, Barry will be with me, and he’ll have a couple copies of Calendrical Regression to sell you (get it before its Nebula fate is decided at week later), as well as free ebook copies.

It’s going to be a wild and very full day, and I’m looking forward to seeing you and you and you (and yes, even you) there.

My (probably) Final Ravencon 10 Schedule

No Comments » Written on April 10th, 2015 by
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RavenCon 10

In two weeks I’ll be heading down to Richmond, VA where I’m among the GOHs for Ravencon.

Here’s the full lineup:

AUTHOR: Allen Steele
ARTIST: Frank Wu
GAMING: Brianna Spacekat Wu
SPECIAL AUTHOR: Lawrence M. Schoen
PLUSH: Barry Mantelo

That’s right, Barry is a GOH. He has his own room in the hotel (okay, it may be a safe in someone’s closet, but it’s all his!), his own guest liaison, and first class travel to and from Richmond (you wish you could fit in a jiffy mailing bag, don’t you?).

While there’s always the chance that some last minute changes will pop up, here’s what I currently believe is my schedule:

Friday, April 24th

7:00 p.m. | Rooms E & F
Opening Ceremonies

Saturday, April 25th

10:00 a.m. | Anna Writing Dialogue
Panelists discuss writing convincing, interesting dialogue. What about accents, physical quirks, and differing vocabulary from character to character. How can you use physical beats and dialogue tags to pace a conversation?
Lou Antonelli, Noah McBrayer Jones, Karen McCullough (M), Kate Paulk, and me.

11:00 a.m. | Dealers’ Room Signing
That’s right, this is your chance to have me sign a copy of one of my books. What? You don’t have any of my books? Not a problem, I’ll have some at the table to sell you!
Just me (and Barry).

1:00 p.m. | Room G How to Remember ANYTHING!
I’ll discuss some of the kinds of memory that human beings have, and then walk you through the underlying principles that make them work. Then we’ll go through both mnemonic techniques and mnemonic systems, and end by teaching you one of the latter so you can amaze your friends with your incredible memory!
Me (and anyone who remembers to show up).

3:00 p.m. | Board Room Reading
I’ll read a story the opening of my new novel Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, and if there’s time tell talk about a completely different book I’m working on.
Me (and a throng of eager readers!).

6:00 p.m. | Chesterfield Pictionary: Authors vs. Artists
This is going to get ugly, ain’t no doubt. My only hope is that the artists can draw pretty but suffer from aphasia, lockjaw, or are eating peanut butter.
Victim List Still in Progress

Sunday, April 26th

10:00 a.m. | Room E No Right Way To Write: Techniques for New Writers
There is no one correct way to write. One of the challenges for new writers is to find the way that works best for them. Some people need strict outlines. Others require only bullet points. While still others want for nothing more than an idea and a few notes scrawled on a dirty napkin. Panelists will discuss a variety of methods they’ve used, and offer you a range of options for you to try out on your own.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Mary Miley, Robert Sommers, Allen Steele, and me as your Sunday morning moderator.

1:00 p.m. | Anna The Best Critique Group For You
Critique groups are a great way for both new and experienced writers to improve their stories, but for many these gatherings may seem mysterious or even intimidating. What do writing groups do? How can you find one? We’ll share our experiences, offer our advice, and then send you loose into the wild.
J.T. Glover, Darin Kennedy, Robert Sommers, Meryl Yourish, and moderator me.

That’s pretty much it. At this point, it’s not clear if there will or will not be a San Marino Worldcon Bid Party (but if there is, it will be Saturday night — unless, um, it’s not).

See you in Richmond!

Public Service Announcement (Followed By Shamelessly Self-Serving Challenge) for February 2015

No Comments » Written on February 10th, 2015 by
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Attention all Lifetime, Active, and Associate Members of SFWA: This is to remind you that the deadline for submitting your nomination ballot for the 2014 Nebula Awards is coming up fast: February 15, 2015, 11:59 pm PST.

2014 saw a lot of fine fiction published. As a member in good standing of SFWA, you get to submit up to five nominations in each category (short story, novelette, novella, novel, as well as the Norton and Bradbury awards), and the top six results then land on the final ballot, which will be available by February 20th.

Note: if you’ve put it off, haven’t read much of anything yet, and don’t know where to start, this might be a good time to check out the Nebula Suggested Reading List and see what your peers are considering as their top picks. Though of course, your mileage may vary.


As you may know (if you’ve crossed my social media path), roughly six months ago I stumbled into “the zone” and I’ve been there ever since, eating better, exercising more, making better choices towards a healthier life. In practical terms, this has meant a loss of some thirty-five pounds, which is to say, about 12% of me. By the time of the Nebula Awards Weekend in June, I expect to have dwindled further, at least fifty pounds worth, or actually a bit more if you were to be comparing me to my size at last year’s event in San Jose.

And mentioning last year’s Nebula Awards is a deliberate segue. You may have seen pictures from the banquet. In particular, photos of a stunning, purple-haired woman in a gorgeous vintage gown and the large, tuxedoed man standing next to her. That’s my wife, Valerie, and me.

I’ve only worn a tux twice in the past forty years or more, and both times were for the last two Nebula Awards banquet nights. My feeling is, if SFWA members are going to do me the honor of putting my name on a ballot, the least I can do is to dress up for it. Particularly given that the protagonist in my nominated novellas usually wears a tuxedo.

Now, here’s the challenge: if you want to see me (or see photos of me) in a tuxedo, before and after at least a fifty pound weight loss, then your course is clear: you need to do your part to put me on the ballot one more time!

Hey, I told you in the header that this was shameless, stop rolling your eyes at me!

So that’s the deal. If I make the ballot for an unprecedented third year in a row with another novella from the same series, I’ll show up in Chicago in a tuxedo, and subsequently post before and after photos to my various social media realms. If not, alas, the world will never get to see the contrast in all its sartorial splendor.

It’s in your hands.

Boskone 52 Schedule (more than a month out!)

No Comments » Written on January 11th, 2015 by
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Bucking the trend of recent conventions, this morning I received an email from the programming people at Boskone revealing what they referred to as my “final schedule,” and including a note that the full schedule is up on their website

I am agog!

Not just because lately it’s been much more common to get my schedule in the final week before the con (and often much less), but because of the incredible array of authors who will be showing up at the convention, folks like Elizabeth Bear, Charlie Stross, Karl Schroeder, Allen Steele, Carrie Vaugh, Walter Jon Williams, and many more. And, it certainly doesn’t hurt that Steven Brust is their GoH, as I am a long time fan and collector of his work.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s my schedule:

Friday, February 13th
3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. | Burroughs | Food in Fiction
Stories that make you go, “Yum!” How do you describe food to convey mood or set the scene? Join our panelists as they dish on the culinary delights that tantalize us in fiction, from regional teas to kingly feasts. What works? What doesn’t? And what should you know about a food-centric scene?
with Carrie Cuinn (M), Steven Brust, James Cambias, Fran Wilde, and me!

4:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. | Galleria-Kaffeeklatsch 2 | Kaffeeklatsch
Let’s talk about psychology, linguistics, Klingon, hypnosis, small press publishing, award nominations, my forthcoming book from Tor, or whatever else you want to ask me about as we enjoy coffee, tea, or in my case a Diet Cokeâ„¢. Sign-up is required at Program Ops in the Galleria, but I’m sure we can fit you in.

Saturday, February 14th
10:00 a.m. – 10:25 a.m. | Independence | – Reading
I’ll likely read from my new novel, Barsk: The Elephants Graveyard, unless people would rather hear a bit from my recent Amazing Conroy novella, Calendrical Regression. Either way, come on by, show me some love, on this cold Valentine’s Day morning (sniffle, cuz my wife is back in Philadelphia).

2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. | Galleria-Autographing | – Autographing
This is your chance to bring stuff for me to sign! I know, it’s exciting!
with M.L. Brennan, Daniel M. Kimmel, and me!

5:00 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. | Burroughs | – Rejectomancy
Is there really a blue sheet of death? Does an encouraging form letter mean less or more than a generic personalized response? These are just a few of the questions that new writers ponder as they try to read between the lines of the rejection letters they receive. Every new writer goes through this dreaded stage (better known as “rejectomancy”) as they try to glean some hidden meaning within the text. Writers who have been there share their own rejectomancy stories and give some helpful advice on ways to avoid the “rejectomancy” trap.
with Stephen P. Kelner (M), Craig Shaw Gardner, James Patrick Kelly, Margaret Ronald, and me!

And of course, Barry will be on hand to pose for photos with you. See you in Boston!

Loscon 2014 Schedule (three days out)

No Comments » Written on November 25th, 2014 by
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As I write this, I’m relaxing in a hotel in Laguna Woods, California. I arrived yesterday, and I’ll be here through Thanksgiving. On Friday morning I’ll drive back toward LAX and drop off my rental car, but instead of flying home I will check into the nearby Marriott and pick up my badge as a panelist for Loscon 41.

I reached out to them a bit late, but they very graciously found a few things for me to do. Come find me at the following:

Saturday, November 29th
5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. | Atlanta | You Did What?
A panel in which each panelist starts a story and ends by dumping the next panelist into it!
with Kenn Bates, Buzz Dixon, Neo Edmund, Todd McCaffrey, Jerry Pournelle, Martin Young, and me!

Sunday, November 30th
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. | Saint Louis | – A Shot Rang Out
Improvised storytelling under pressure of time and madness. See us invent stories and characters too bizarre for fiction just so we can set up random lines the audience picked for us.
Sarah Adams, Buzz Dixon, Todd McCaffrey, David Miller, Larry Niven, True Thomas, Martin Young, and me!

Barry’s staying at home for this trip, but I will have copies of the new Amazing Conroy novel with me.

Philcon 2014 Schedule (six days out)

No Comments » Written on November 15th, 2014 by
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As I write this, Philcon, the world’s longest running SF convention, is a mere six days away. And today, a little before 2pm, I received my schedule. The lead time is less than ideal, but we’ve all seen worse in past years and other cons, and besides there’s no point grousing. Instead, let’s talk about where you can find me and what I’ll be doing next weekend!

Friday, November 21st
9:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. | Party Floor (room to be determined) | Launch Party
Barbara E. Hill, the force behind NobleFusion Press, is throwing a launch party for the release of my new Amazing Conroy novella, “Calendrical Regression.” You should come by.

Saturday, November 22nd

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Autograph Table | Signing
I’ll be sitting alongside Howard Wilson, handing out postcards for a free novella, signing such things as you bring me, and yammering with whoever comes by.

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.| Executive Suite 623 | Reading
In a reprise of last year’s phenomenal event, I’ll be sharing a reading slot with the brilliant Fran Wilde. And please, no flash photography (seriously!)

9:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. | Party Floor (same as last night) | San Marino in 2019 Worldcon Bid Party
Why settle for a city when you can have an entire country? That’s right, the most serene republic of San Marino is the site of a Worldcon bid and this is the first party. Support the bid and come away with a free ebook!

Sunday, November 23rd
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Crystal Ballroom Two | – Language, Thought, and Understanding
Science fiction stories that address language and linguistics include Embassytown and Babel 17, among many others. Language is obviously going to be a crucial factor when contacting an alien species, and all kinds of interesting questions come up, such as, could there be alien languages that could never be understood by humans (or vice versa) and how much does language shape thought/psychology (and vice versa)
with Rebecca Robare, Bernie Mojzes, Mark Mandel, and me wearing my friendly moderator hat.

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Plaza II | – Creating Believable Aliens
How Does a Writer create convincing extraterrestrial characters who are not just humans with funny make-up, but are clearly the product of a different environment and evolutionary history? How do you show an alien that can think as well as a man, but differently.
with Steve Miller (mod), Jack McDevitt, Tom Purdom, James L. Cambias and me.

And if that’s not enough for you, Barry will also be around (when he’s not sleeping) to pose for photographs with you.

My Final Capclave 2014 Schedule

No Comments » Written on October 9th, 2014 by
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The glory that is Capclave begins tomorrow and I am very excited to be participating in the convention.

Here is my shiny and updated schedule:

Friday, October 10th

3:30 p.m. | Salon A – “Holy Shuftik!” he cried
How does an author create a distinctive language for characters in the future or in a different world and keep it understandable to the reader? What’s the right balance between creating language and making sure the reader can figure it out without a dictionary appendix to the story?
Paolo Bacigalupi, Tom Doyle (M), Diana Peterfreund, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

Saturday, October 11th

11:00 a.m. | Frederick – Reading
I recently turned in a new novel to my editor at Tor, and assuming he doesn’t wrestle the manuscript from me, I’ll read you a bit of it.
Come to hear me, and stay to listen to Walter Hunt, who follows me (as if!) at 11:30.

12:00 p.m. | Author’s Hallway – Shameless Hucksterism
They’ve given me half a table in the middle of a busy corridor so I can sell you things! Specifically, I’ll have copies of my books, as well as offerings from my small press, Paper Golem.
Tom Doyle will be sitting alongside me, so come visit him too.

3:00 p.m. | Rockville/Potomac – Rules? Rules? There are no Rules!
When writing fiction, if it works, it works. Our panel debates whether authors need to know “rules” that they can then break if they are good enough, or if this only constrains creativity.
Paolo Bacigalupi, Walter H. Hunt (M), Alma Katsu, James Morrow, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

7:30 p.m. | Rockville/Potomac – Mass Signing
Your chance to get my signature on something! Woo hoo!
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Sarah Avery, Paolo Bacigalupi, Holly Black, Marilyn “Mattie” Brahen, Neil Clarke, Tom Doyle, Andy Duncan, Scott Edelman, Jim Freund, Charles E. Gannon, Max Gladstone, David G. Hartwell, Alma Katsu, Pamela K. Kinney, Barbara Krasnoff, Dina Leacock, James Maxey, Will McIntosh, Mike McPhail, Sunny Moraine, James Morrow, Sarah Pinsker, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Darrell Schweitzer, Alex Shvartsman, Jon Skovron, Alan Smale, Bud Sparhawk, Janine Spendlove, Genevieve Valentine, Michael A. Ventrella, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

Sunday, October 12th

2:00 p.m. | Bethesda – Best Books of 2014
Discuss your favorite new books of 2014. Which novels deserve your Hugo/Nebula/Tiptree/World Fantasy/Golden Duck, etc nomination? What novels won’t be nominated and deserve to be and why not?
Sarah Avery, D. Douglas Fratz (M), and me.

And there you have it!

Please note, Barry will also be in attendance (but, alas, not on programming) and eager to pose for photos.

My Preliminary Capclave 2014 Schedule

No Comments » Written on September 26th, 2014 by
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The autumnal convention season is gearing up and soon I’ll be heading down to the Washington, D.C. area for one of my favorite events: Capclave.

Here is my schedule as I currently know it to be:

Friday, October 10th

5:00 p.m. | Salon A – “Holy Shuftik!” he cried
How does an author create a distinctive language for characters in the future or in a different world and keep it understandable to the reader? What’s the right balance between creating language and making sure the reader can figure it out without a dictionary appendix to the story?
Paolo Bacigalupi, Tom Doyle (M), Diana Peterfreund, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

Saturday, October 11th

11:00 a.m. | Frederick – Reading
I recently turned in a new novel to my editor at Tor, and assuming he doesn’t wrestle the manuscript from me, I’ll read you a bit of it.
Come to hear me, and stay to listen to Walter Hunt, who follows me (as if!) at 11:30.

3:00 p.m. | Rockville/Potomac – Rules? Rules? There are no Rules!
When writing fiction, if it works, it works. Our panel debates whether authors need to know “rules” that they can then break if they are good enough, or if this only constrains creativity.
Paolo Bacigalupi, Walter H. Hunt (M), Alma Katsu, James Morrow, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

7:30 p.m. | Rockville/Potomac – Mass Signing
Your chance to get my signature on something! Woo hoo!
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Sarah Avery, Paolo Bacigalupi, Holly Black, Marilyn “Mattie” Brahen, Neil Clarke, Tom Doyle, Andy Duncan, Scott Edelman, Jim Freund, Charles E. Gannon, Max Gladstone, David G. Hartwell, Alma Katsu, Pamela K. Kinney, Barbara Krasnoff, Dina Leacock, James Maxey, Will McIntosh, Mike McPhail, Sunny Moraine, James Morrow, Sarah Pinsker, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Darrell Schweitzer, Alex Shvartsman, Jon Skovron, Alan Smale, Bud Sparhawk, Janine Spendlove, Genevieve Valentine, Michael A. Ventrella, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and me.

Sunday, October 12th

12:00 p.m. | Author’s Hallway – Shameless Hucksterism
They’ve given me half a table in the middle of a busy corridor so I can sell you things! Specifically, I’ll have copies of my books, as well as offerings from my small press, Paper Golem.
Tom Doyle will be sitting alongside me, so come visit him too.

2:00 p.m. | Bethesda – Best Books of 2014
Discuss your favorite new books of 2014. Which novels deserve your Hugo/Nebula/Tiptree/World Fantasy/Golden Duck, etc nomination? What novels won’t be nominated and deserve to be and why not?
Sarah Avery, D. Douglas Fratz (M), Jim Freund, Shira Lipkin, and me.