
Posts Tagged ‘Conventions’

An announcement about Illogicon III

1 Comment » Written on January 11th, 2013 by
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If you’re anywhere near the greater Research Triangle area this weekend, I encourage you to drop in at Illogicon II, which opens today, Friday, about noon and runs through Sunday, January 13th.

It promises to be an awesome convention, which isn’t hard given GoHs like Tim Powers and Garth Graham, not to mention having Mark Van Name along as Toastmaster.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying to yourself, “hey, that’s fine, but why is he talking about Illogicon II when the subject line reads Illogicon III? And what’s the big announcement?”

Thanks, I’m glad you asked. Ahem.


I will be one of the GoHs at Illogicon III

The convention will run January 10-12, 2014, and registration for that convention will begin today at this year’s convention.

So go ahead and sign up this weekend, and you can have a full year of anticipation because I’ll be bringing both Klingon and Buffalitos to this con (and maybe even Klingon Buffalitos)! Rumor has it there will even be prizes randomly awarded to someone registering this weekend.

A First Look at my Immortal Confusion 2013 Schedule

No Comments » Written on January 3rd, 2013 by
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This month I’m going to Detroit, MI, for Immortal Confusion. It’s my first time at this con, and it sounds like it’s going to be a blast. Here’s what they have me scheduled for:

Saturday, January 19th:
10:00 a.m. – The End
What makes a satisfying conclusion? Do we wrap up all loose ends, or leave some plot threads deliciously unexplored in the hopes of returning to them in future volumes? Does the desire for sequels sometimes rob us of a more permanent and concrete end to a story? This panel explores how hard it is to finally lean back and write “the end.”

3:00 p.m. – Make Me Immortal
Why make a character immortal? Is this shorthand for power? Temptation? How does the addition of an unending life span change a character’s perspective – or that character’s function in a story? Can the addition of immortality rob a story of its immediacy and consequence, and how can that be avoided?

4:00 p.m. – Reading
I’ve been assigned this session along with Peter Orullian. Perhaps we’ll take turns reading. Perhaps we’ll each read the other’s work. Perhaps we will strip down to our unmentionables and wrassle (not to be confused with “wrestle”) to see who gets to use the entire time period for his reading.

5:00 PM – Mass Autograph Session
You bring the books, we’ll bring the pens, and then we rush at one another from opposite sides of the room and collide in a frenzy of signings! Or… maybe they’ll give the authors tables to sit at. Yeah, that could work too.

7:00 p.m. – Please Do The Research
Fantasy and Science Fiction both seem very easy to fake. After all, anything is possible, right. When spaceships warp across the galaxy at physics-defying speeds, or wizards transform glib warriors into puggles with the wave of a wand, little things like food, word origins, or animal husbandry can seem a little nit-picky. However, readers may not have transmogrified a foe into a dog, but a lot of people have ridden a horse. Taking the time to learn all there is to know about the realities of fantasy or science fiction often strengthens a story. It will also help avoid common problems that our panelists will discuss, with helpful examples.

8:00 p.m. – Pop Culture In SF/F
Fantasy has its urchins, sci-fi the dilettantes…but what about everyone else? When crafting a world either fantastic or futuristic, what do we imagine that the common folk would do for fun? What news or events would they discuss? Would they know what village produced the most heroes, or debate the thrust/weight ratio of government warships? Would there be a general popular culture in an imagined past? Could we avoid one in an imagined future? Does the addition of these elements do more than aid verisimilitude?

Sunday, January 20th:
4:00 p.m. – Fandom vs. Social Media
Geek culture has become somewhat ubiquitous these days, and with its ascendancy, some of our pastimes and obsessions have really gone mainstream. With that comes criticism – some valid, some less – and with critique an almost inevitable fandom backlash. Is it good that some of our favorite things have become too big to easily evaluate in a critical way? Does the legitimacy gained by the popularity of a Game of Thrones come at the price of being able to point out some of its flaws, and is this a worthwhile trade when considering the vitality of the genre?

At this point, I don’t know who my co-panelists are, but there are so many amazing authors coming to this convention that the possibilities are staggering. Oh yeah, I’m going to have a good time.

My-Down-to-the-Wire Philcon 2012 Schedule

No Comments » Written on November 5th, 2012 by
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Year after year, it seems like Philcon’s destiny to be constantly besieged. Fortunately, they have some very good people who give of themselves tirelessly (even when people like me bitch and moan).

While I will be at the convention on Friday, I don’t have any programming. In fact, for reasons that are known only to the scheduling gods, I am not on any panels at all this year. That said, I will be doing both a signing and a reading. But my main focus will be a launch party for The Wizard of Macatwa And Other Stories by Tom Doyle, the newest book from my small press, Paper Golem. We’ll have copies of the book available for purchase, and anyone who buys one at the launch party will also get the ebook version at no extra cost.

Saturday, November 10th:
10:00 – 11:00am (Autograph Table) Signing
The prefect time to sign books, when I’m barely awake after too little sleep from the previous evening’s parties. Come on by!

12:00 – 1:00pm (Executive Suite 623) Reading
It appears I have an entire hour to use, so I’ll probably read my novella, “Barry’s Tale,” from my new book, Buffalito Buffet, which comes out the following Friday. Oh yeah, and everyone gets a free copy of the novella!

3:00 – 6:00pm (Executive Suite 823) Paper Golem Book Launch: The Wizard of Macatwa
Award-winning author Tom Doyle will be there to read several stories. Tom’s presentation is intense! Join us and help celebrate the release of his first book.

So that’s where you’ll find me. Barry will be with me, riding my shoulder as is his wont. Be sure to ask for a photo with him, as his Facebook page is getting stale.

My-Almost-Certainly-Final Capclave 2012 Schedule

No Comments » Written on September 27th, 2012 by
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I’ve had this information for a few days now, but I’ve been letting it sit and settle (and dry and bake and gel) in case there were any surprise changes. There haven’t been, so I’m feeling fairly confident that this is will be my schedule for Capclave next month.

Friday, October 12th:
4:00 – 4:55 (Rockville/Potomac) Comic Relief
How much comic relief can you put in a book before it gets shifted into the humor category? Does humor hurt or enhance a serious novel? Does it throw you out of the story if you expect Song of Ice and Fire and get a line right out of Xanth? What are examples of writers who get it right/wrong?
Doug Fratz, Larry Hodges, James Maxey (M)

5:00 – 5:25 (Readings Room) Reading
In an act of tempting fate, I’ll probably read something from a Conroy story. It’s also likely that I’ll be giving away a plush buffalito to someone who shows up. Yeah, shameless.

9:00 – 9:95 (Readings Room) Paper Golem Book Launch: Cucurbital 3
Nine Authors, Three Prompts, One Anthology! Drop by and help celebrate the audacity of the small press!

Saturday, October 13tht
10:00 – 10:55 (Salons A & B) As you will (M)
Anything goes? A panel without preconception or plan. Panelists talk about anything and everything.
Inge Heyer, Bud Sparhawk

5:00 – 5:55 (Rockville/Potomac) FTL what the hell (M)
Space the final frontier, how do you get characters there? Does the feasability of the described propulsion make or break a story?
John Ashmead, John G. Hemry, Yoji Kondo (Eric Kotani), Bud Sparhawk

7:30 – 8:25 (Salons A & B) Mass Signing
This is the mass signing held before the presentation of the WSFA Small Press Award.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Eric Choi, Brenda Clough, David Louis Edelman, Andrew Fox, Ron Garner, Morgan Keyes, Dave Klecha, Jonah Knight, Yoji Kondo (Eric Kotani), Dina Leacock, Edward M. Lerner, Craig Alan Loewen, James Maxey, Mike McPhail, James Morrow, Diana Peterfreund, Darrell Schweitzer, Alan Smale, Bud Sparhawk, Jean Marie Ward, Lawrence Watt-Evans

8:30 – 10:25 (Salons A & B) Small Press Awards
My Amazing Conroy story, “Yesterday’s Taste,” has been nominated. Competition is very stiff, and I’ve been practicing my “it’s an honor just to have been nominated” speech. Pretty easy, because it’s true.

All in all a pretty full weekend. And of course, Barry will be there too, eager to meet people and garner a few more photos for his Facebook page.

Spokane vs. Helsinki: Cognitive Dissonance and the 2015 Worldcon

15 comments Written on September 17th, 2012 by
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There are three serious bids for the World Science Fiction Convention (i.e., the Worldcon) in 2015. Orlando, Spokane, and Helsinki.

I don’t expect Orlando to win (sorry, Orlando, that’s just my opinion). In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if they end up being a spoiler for the other two, Spokane and Helsinki. Sigh.

I am torn.

I would very much like to see Spokane win the right to host the 2015 Worldcon. I know some of the talented people working on that bid, and I’m confident they’d do a fine job and it would be a glorious convention. I’ve never been to that part of Washington, and this would be a fine excuse to visit.

And yet… I would also very much like to see Helsinki win the the right to host the 2015 Worldcon. I’ve actually had some of my fiction translated into Finnish, and seriously, when am I likely to get myself (let alone my wife) over to Finland otherwise?

The vote will be taken in about eleven months at the 2013 Worldcon, LoneStarCon 3, in San Antonio, Texas. I suspect that the deciding factor will be economics and the financial burden (from the perspective of US attendees) of taking on two trans-Atlantic Worldcons in a row — for those of you who don’t have this sort of thing in the back of your mind, the 2014 Worldcon, LonCon 3, is in London, England.

And in a lot of ways I think that’s a shame. It’s the world science fiction convention, and I like seeing that aspect represented. I like meeting and doing panels alongside and chatting at parties with people from other countries and cultures.

Of course we have the better part of the year to see what happens with the economy, both here in the USA, and over in Europe. This is far from decided, which just means I need to live with my cognitive dissonance a while longer.

That’s my thoughts on the topic today. What are yours?

My-Very-Early-And-Likely-To-Change Capclave 2012 Schedule

No Comments » Written on September 15th, 2012 by
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Capclave is just around the corner (if you can handle the metaphor of laying out the calendar like a road map) and I’ve just received the first in what will likely be a series of schedules. Still, it’s looking quite interesting, and I’m very fond of this convention because the programming is always fine and the people who attend are just a delight.

Friday, October 12th:
4:00 – 4:55 (Rockville/Potomac) Comic Relief
How much comic relief can you put in a book before it gets shifted into the humor category? Does humor hurt or enhance a serious novel? Does it throw you out of the story if you expect Song of Ice and Fire and get a line right out of Xanth? What are examples of writers who get it right/wrong?
Doug Fratz, Larry Hodges, James Maxey (M)

5:00 – 5:25 (Readings Room) Reading
I’m not certain what I’ll be reading yet, but it’s pretty likely that I’ll be giving away a plush buffalito to someone who shows up. So, you know, show up!

Saturday, October 13tht
9:00 – 9:55 (Salons A & B) As you will (M)
Anything goes? A panel without preconception or plan. Panelists talk about anything and everything.
Inge Heyer, Bud Sparhawk, Ian Randal Strock

5:00 – 5:55 (Rockville/Potomac) FTL what the hell (M)
Space the final frontier, how do you get characters there? Does the feasability of the described propulsion make or break a story?
John Ashmead, John G. Hemry, Yoji Kondo (Eric Kotani), Bud Sparhawk

7:30 – 8:25 (Salons A & B) Mass Signing
This is the mass signing held before the presentation of the WSFA Small Press Award.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Eric Choi, Brenda Clough, David Louis Edelman, Andrew Fox, Ron Garner, Morgan Keyes, Dave Klecha, Jonah Knight, Yoji Kondo (Eric Kotani), Dina Leacock, Edward M. Lerner, Craig Alan Loewen, James Maxey, Mike McPhail, James Morrow, Diana Peterfreund, Darrell Schweitzer, Alan Smale, Bud Sparhawk, Jean Marie Ward, Lawrence Watt-Evans

8:30 – 10:25 (Salons A & B) Small Press Awards
My Amazing Conroy story, “Yesterday’s Taste,” has been nominated. Competition is very stiff, and I’ve been practicing my “it’s an honor just to have been nominated” speech. Pretty easy, because it’s true.

It’s not clear yet when it will happen, but somewhere in the midst of this convention weekend there should be a small launch party for Cucurbital 3, the latest anthology from Paper Golem. I’m even expecting some of the authors to be there, so you’ll be able to get your copies signed!

And that’s the current state of my schedule. Changes will be posted as they occur.

MTV-lIj vIneH

No Comments » Written on September 3rd, 2012 by
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So this happened:

Hugo-nominee Nancy Fulda is one of the people who has been spending part of her time here at the Worldcon walking around with a plush buffalito on her shoulder and handing out postcards giving away my new novella “Barry’s Tale.” On the first day of the convention she had her buffalito (she named him Jared) with her at the gym, and it drew the attention of someone who as it turned out was working the Press Room for the convention. She invited Nancy to come and sign up, so that anyone seeking authors for interviews could in turn contact her.

Later that morning, Nancy found me, and together we went searching for the Press Room (not necessarily an easy thing to do in the vastness of the hotel) and we both signed up.

Yesterday, the Press Room called me and left a message. Twice actually. MTV wanted to interview me for their Geek program.

After a bit of phone tag I found myself in the big chair of the Interview Room (right behind the Press Room) and spent the next 45 minutes talking into the camera about Klingon, the Conroyverse, and Paper Golem.

I have no idea how much of that they’ll use, if any, and it may just come down to a two-second clip of me shouting “I want my MTV” in Klingon. Then again, they may run the URL for the novella as part of the video or include it on their website. That would be awesome.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the Worldcon. Still a bit of programming left.

WSFS Small Press Award Nomination 2012

No Comments » Written on September 1st, 2012 by
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We interrupt my Worldcon-induced absence from this blog with the news that I apparently have been nominated for the WSFA Small Press Award, for my story “Yesterday’s Taste” which appeared in Transtories, edited by the late Colin Harvey, and published by Aeon Press, back in October 2011. You can download a free PDF of this story from my Freebies page.

As I’m sure you can imagine, I am merrily chuffed. A fine bit of news to receive in the midst of a Worldcon.

The winner will be announced at Capclave, which runs October 12-14, 2012.

Other nominees include:

“A Militant Peace” by David Klecha and Tobias S. Buckell.
“Flowers in the Shadow of the Garden” by Joanne Anderton.
“Lessons from a Clockwork Queen” by Megan Arkenberg.
“Sauerkraut Station” by Ferrett Steinmetz.
“The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees” by Lily Yu.
“The Patrician” by Tansy Rayner Roberts.
“What Ho, Automaton!” by Chris Dolley.

I’m flattered to see my work in such company, and I hope all of these authors will be coming to Capclave. I know I’ll be there.