
Posts Tagged ‘Conventions’

My Final, I Promise, It’s The Last (unless it’s not) 2012 Worldcon Schedule

No Comments » Written on August 25th, 2012 by
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Just a couple additions to my previously posted schedule, specifically when you can find me sitting at the SFWA Table in the Dealers Room.

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 (Addams) Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
3:00 – 4:30 (Kaffeeklatsche 1) Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 (Autograph Tables) Autographing

Friday, August 31st
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 (Grand Suite 3) Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
1:30 – 3:00 (Wright ) “To Be” or Not “To Be”: Constructed Languages in SF&F
3:00 – 3:30 (Fan Lounge) Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 (Addams ) Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Codex Breakfast
1:30 – 3:00 (Wrigley) How to Speak Klingon
3:30 – 5:00 (Dealers Room) Signing at the SFWA Table

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite) Strolling with the Stars
3:30 – 5:00 (Dealers Room) Volunteering at the SFWA Table
8:00 – 11:00 (Grand Ballroom) Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon (Sandburg) Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days (offsite) Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

And again, I won’t be attending the SFWA Business Meeting because I’m running the Codex Breakfast which is at the same time.

Since I’ll be giving away copies of my new Amazing Conroy novella, “Barry’s Tale,” I decided that I should do something totally different during my read. Barry himself will still be present, and some lucky attendee will get a free buffalito plushie just for showing up, but I’m going to read from my recently published story “Coca Xocalatl” in the new ReDeus shared world anthology. Because, who doesn’t want to come and hear me mangle the names of half a dozen ancient Aztec gods?

Looking forward to seeing all of you (and yes, especially you!) in Chicago.

Preparing for Chicon

No Comments » Written on August 23rd, 2012 by
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I’ve got about forty-eight hours in which to work through the remaining thirty or so tasks on my TO DO list before it’s time to grab some sleep, wake up, throw my bags in the car, and head off to the airport for my flight to Chicago and the whirlwind of the qep’a’ and Chicon 7 that follows.

One of the items on that list involved packing up and shipping a box of plush buffalitos (prizes/giveaways at some of my Worldcon programming). As you can see, they did not want to go into the box.

Friends of Barry

New and Improved 2012 Worldcon Schedule

No Comments » Written on August 15th, 2012 by
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This is probably my final schedule for Chicon. Of course, the moment I post this I’m jinxing myself and doubtless there’ll be a change, but you know what I mean.

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 (Addams) Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
3:00 – 4:30 (Kaffeeklatsche 1) Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 (Autograph Tables) Autographing

Friday, August 31st
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 (Grand Suite 3) Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
1:30 – 3:00 (Wright ) “To Be” or Not “To Be”: Constructed Languages in SF&F
3:00 – 3:30 (Fan Lounge) Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 (Addams ) Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Codex Breakfast
1:30 – 3:00 (Wrigley) How to Speak Klingon

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite) Strolling with the Stars
8:00 – 11:00 (Grand Ballroom) Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon (Sandburg) Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days (offsite) Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

I won’t be attending the SFWA Business Meeting because someone decided to schedule it opposite the Codex Breakfast (which has been set since early June), and since I’m the fellow who organizes that breakfast, I’m going to be there! At some point though, I’ll be working the SFWA table in the dealers’ room, and possibly even pretending to sign autographs there.

What hasn’t changed from my last schedule draft is my plan to wander the convention with my faithful plush promotional device, Barry, riding on my shoulder. I’ll be handing out postcards for free copies of his eponymous novella “Barry’s Tale” and even giving away similar plushies to some members of the audience at my reading, Kaffeeklatsch, and Autographing session (and maybe elsewhere too so come up to me when I’m strolling, you might get lucky!). Also be sure to ask for a photo with Barry at any time during the convention. He has his own Facebook and Google+ pages, and he needs images to post.

2012 Worldcon Schedule (a first look)

4 comments Written on August 1st, 2012 by
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One of the ways to predict the quality of a convention is by how far in advance they send out preliminary schedules to their participants. Chicon 7 sent me mine today, four full weeks before the start of the convention.

I have no doubt there’ll be some changes. Some of my co-panelists will slip away and others will show up in their stead, rooms may change, and times surely will, but all in all, having a glimpse of what I can expect this far in advance is a clear sign that this worldcon is going to be awesome!

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
9:00 – 10:00 Strolling with the Stars
3:00 – 4:30 Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 Autographing

Friday, August 31st
noon – 1:30 Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
3:00 – 3:30 Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 Codex Breakfast
10:30 – noon Another View on Character Building
1:30 – 3:00 How to Speak Klingon

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:00 Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 Introduction to Linguistics
8:00 – 11:00 Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

The actual schedule for Strolling with the Stars hasn’t gone out yet, but I’ve included my best guess above. Likewise, the day and time of the SFWA Meeting has yet to be announced, but if I had to guess I’d say it will happen just after lunch on Sunday. Stay tuned to see if I’m right, because if I am I’ll either have to miss it, or the Linguistics panel will end up moved to a different time.

As always, you can expect to see my faithful plush promotional device, Barry, riding on my shoulder during the convention. But this year, Barry is not alone. I’ll give one away to some lucky Buffalito Wrangler who comes to my reading, another at my Kaffeeklatsch, and at least one more to someone who comes to my Autographing session with three or more books for me to sign (yes, I know, I’m shameless, but you also know you want a plush buffalo dog of your very own, complete with a tiny blue tongue!). Also be sure to ask for a photo with Barry at any time during the convention. He has his own Facebook and Google+ pages, and he needs images to post.

ReDeus: Coca Xocalātl

2 comments Written on July 19th, 2012 by
Categories: Gallery, Plugs
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ReDeus width=

I’ve received word that the new shared universe anthology, ReDeus: Divine Tales has gone to press. We’ll have the book available on Friday, August 3rd, at Shore Leave (as well as a majority of the contributors on hand to autograph your copy).

As such, I thought I’d tell you a bit more about my story in the book. It’s entitled “Coca Xocalātl” and is the tale of an eighty-five year old professor emeritus from the linguistics department of a university in San Diego, California. Except now San Diego has been reclaimed as a state of Mexico (along with portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas). Why? Because the Aztec gods said so! But I digress.

Professor Garcia y Fuentes is more or less content to live out the rest of his days puttering around in the basement of the university’s library. He has his correspondence with former students and colleagues, he has articles to review for professional journals, and he has dead languages to tinker with. But if he’s allowed to do that, then there’s no story. So…

Instead, our good professor unwittingly draws the attention of one of the gods, Huehuecoyotl, aka Old Man Coyote. And while this isn’t quite the familiar trickster god of American folklore, he is still very much a trickster and he has plans for our professor. Oh my yes.

As for the title? It’s what you get when you mix Coca Cola with traditional (as in the year 1400, you know, old school) “hot chocolate,” or rather, it’s what you get if a god mixes it for you.

I leave you now with the stunning illustration that Carmen Carnero created to go with my story. Just outstanding!

The 2012 Endeavor Award

No Comments » Written on July 13th, 2012 by
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Endeavour Award

The finalists for this year’s Endeavour Award have been released, and they are:

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
City of Ruins by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
River Marked by Patricia Briggs
Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
When The Saints by Dave Duncan

Books of science fiction or fantasy written by a Pacific Northwest author (or authors) and published in the previous year are eligible. The winner will be announced at OryCon 34 in early November.

How do I know this? Because I have the honor of being one of this year’s judges! Which is why I’ll be busily reading all five books in the coming weeks before conferring with my fellow judges to pick a winner.

Hey, here’s a crazy idea: why don’t you read along with me? Particularly if you live in the Pacific Northwest and/or plan to attend OryCon.

C’mon, it’ll be fun.


Endeavour image ©HM Bark Endeavour Foundation Pty. Ltd. The Endeavour is docked at the The Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney.

Tomorrow is Sci-Fi Saturday in York, PA

No Comments » Written on June 15th, 2012 by
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Tomorrow morning I’m hitting the road early and traveling to York, PA where I will be part of the festivities at Sci-Fi Saturday at the York Emporium. Also on hand will be Best-Selling author of Enchanted, Alethea Kontis.

The doors open at ten o’clock, and the event runs until six. There’ll be readings, and lectures, a game show, and even a light saber demonstration (bring the kids!). I’ll go on stage for an hour at one o’clock and talk about the Amazing Conroy and probably a bit about Klingon, as well as upcoming projects at Paper Golem. Yes, I am attending this event in my capacity as a triple threat: author/publisher/klingonist!

All in all, it should be a great day! But, don’t take my word for it, check out this article from the The York Dispatch who have labeled it as their “weekly pick.”

Not that you need any more inducement to attend, but rumor has it that Barry will be on hand as well, eager to pose with fans and talk about his forthcoming eponymous novella.

Nebula Awards Weekend 2012

No Comments » Written on May 15th, 2012 by
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Nebula Awards Weekend

Coming up on Thursday is the start of this year’s Nebula Awards Weekend. I expect to be kept pretty busy with an action packed few days complete with a tour of the Air and Space Museum, a workshop on e-book design, a presentation on memory (okay, I’ll be running that one), a mass signing, and more brilliant authors than you can count!

Now, to be fair, part of the problem with counting all those authors may be due to their tendency to not cluster in any one place for too long that isn’t a bar, or just as likely a problem with your ability to count because you’ve followed them to the bar and as part of your disguise you’ve been drinking.

While attendance at the various panels, programs, and workshops does require a membership, anyone can come to the mass autograph session on Friday from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City.

There will also be a “Book Depot” where you can pick up copies of books by many of the authors who will be present. That will run Friday from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and again from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., and Sunday 10:00 a.m. – Noon. I’ve made arrangements for the Book Depot to have some of my titles, as well as copies of books published by Paper Golem.

Hope to see you there!