
Posts Tagged ‘Conventions’

My Tentative Confluence 2016 Schedule

No Comments » Written on June 28th, 2016 by
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Don’t look for me in the greater Philadelphia area come the end of July. I’ll actually be at the other end of the state. For the first time ever, I’ll be attending Confluence, which this year runs July 29 thru 31st.

Even better, I’m one of the convention’s GOHs — which means someone else is providing me with Diet Coke!

They have lots of things planned for me, and I’m hoping there may even be some Barsk-based hall costumes (with a potential Tuckerization up for grabs), but we’ll have to wait and see. In any case, they sent out tentative schedules with a month to spare, so here’s mine:

Friday, August 29th
4:00 p.m. (Commonwealth East) Invented Languages
Characters need to speak it, but readers need to be able to follow it, too. How to invent a new language for a story, and make it “work.”
With Fred Capp

6:00 p.m. (Ballroom 1) GOHs Gone Wrong
Confluence’s featured author guests discuss the many things in their writerly careers they have done badly, backwards, or just plain wrong. NB: Authors are professionals, do not try this at home.
With Saladin Ahmed

9:00 p.m. (Ballroom 1) Meet the Confluence guests
Emcee Kevin Hayes will introduce the Confluence guests of honor and special guests. There may be singing and tomfoolery.
With Saladin Ahmed, Jeff Bohnhoff, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Steve Goodie, and Kevin Hayes

Saturday, July 30th
11:00 a.m. (Commonwealth West) Communicating with Aliens
A standard theme in SF is the challenge of communication with an alien intellect. This is often treated as a novel enterprise. But humans have millennia of experience communicating with nonhuman intelligence. We have coevolved and can communicate with domesticants, commensals, prey, and predators. Experts in interspecies communication through shared work can cast insight into the bridges and the barriers with new and newly encountered form of nonhuman intelligence.
With William Keith, Charles Obendorf, Bud Sparhawk

12:00 p.m. (Kaffeeklatsch Room) Anthropomorphic SF: Not Just Furries In Space
What are the pros and cons of bringing in anthropomorphic characters in lieu or in addition to traditional aliens in science fiction? GOH Lawrence M. Schoen discusses how the nonhumans in his novel Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard resonant better than aliens.
Kaffeeklatsch – advance sign-up in Registration required

2:00 p.m. (Solstice) Perhaps It IS A Good Day To Try… Klingon
An introduction to the Klingon language. No one will be admitted during the voiced velar fricative portion.

Sunday, July 31st
10:00 a.m. (Equinox) Reading
Warning: There may be elephants. Oh, who are we kidding, of course there’ll be elephants. Also Q&A if desired.

Of course, we are a month out, and anything above could change. I will likely post a “final” schedule a week or so before the convention.

See you at Confluence!

My FINAL 2016 BayCon Schedule

No Comments » Written on May 3rd, 2016 by
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Now that it’s actually May, the Powers That Be over at Baycon have a couple minor tweaks to my schedule. Here now is the result, so you can properly find or stalk me.

NB: I do not have a formal signing slot in the program. That’s not a problem, as panels leave plenty of time at the end for brief conversations and autographs. Feel free to come at me with something you want signed at the end of one of my panels, or wherever you happen to find me.

Friday, May 27th
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (Convene ) Opening Ceremonies
The official start of what you know will be an awesome weekend!
With David Gerrold, Chris Butler, Anastasia Hunter, and The Library Bards

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Connect 4) How to Remember EVERYTHING!
Mnemonics and You! Come here me explain how memory works and how to enhance yours.

2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Collaborate 2) Star Trek – Why We Still Love It
From The Man Trap to to Star Trek Beyond, the franchise has spanned 50 years and still captures new generations of fans. Our panelists talk about the shows, the movies and the captivating universe that is Roddenberry’s legacy.
With David Gerrold, Wanda Kurtcu, and Irene Radford

7:00 – 9:00 p.m. (Convene) Meet The Guests
All attendees are invited to come meet and mingle with our guests at an informal reception.

Saturday, May 28th
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (The Courtyard) GOH Breakfast
We’ve got to eat, and apparently it’s a spectator event at this convention.
With Chris Butler, David Gerrold, Bonnie Gordon, Anastasia Hunter, and Xander Jeanneret

11:30 – 1:00 p.m. (Collaborate 2) Klingon 101
What’s the point of a convention having a Special Language Guest is you can’t learn some Klingon? In less than an hour I will teach you 80% of Klingon grammar. Believe it!

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Synergy 4) How Can Science Fiction and Fantasy Blend Well?
Yeah, how? Well, I could tell you here, but then you wouldn’t come to the panel. Ha!
Jennifer L. Carson, Jacob Fisk, Todd McCaffrey, and Irene Radford

Sunday, May 29th
12:00 – 12:30 p.m. (The Courtyard) Reading
Come and hear me read from Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard.

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Strategy) A Chat With Lawrence M. Schoen
They tell me there is ***LIMITED SEATING*** for this event. Please visit Prog Ops to sign up and be a part of the small group of attendees with whom I will officially chat.

2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Convene) GoH Interview: Lawrence M. Schoen
They won’t tell me what the questions are in advance, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be under oath. With luck, they will not be solicited questions from colleagues and family members.

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. (Synergy 5) Linguistics For The Storyteller
This is more than a “how to write” panel. Language is everywhere in our stories: it’s the vehicle we use to tell them, but also the engine that runs societies and personal relationships, and the tool that characters use to define their own identities. Linguistics is the study of language structure, from the level of sound, to word and sentence structure, all the way to the level of political discourse. Come learn about how it can turn your gut knowledge of language into a more conscious and powerful tool.
With Juliette Wade (M)

Monday, May 30th
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (Synergy 4) Second Life’s Second Life
The living world is not enough. Come here us discuss existence in the virtual world of Second Life.
With David Ciriello (M)

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Engage) How We End
Death – social and personal experiences, in life and literature.
Gregg Castro (M), Colin Fisk, Setsu Uzume, Fred Wiehe, and Randy Smith

As always, be aware that some of the people listed on the items above may have to drop out due to other obligations (or be replaced by clones, pods, or distant cousins). Times of things are unlikely to change but I’ve been told a location or two might so always check the latest updates. And, as noted previously all attendees are responsible for their own action verbs.

See you at BayCon!

My 2016 SFWA Nebula Conference Schedule

No Comments » Written on April 29th, 2016 by
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In less than two weeks I’ll be returning to Chicago for the annual Nebula Awards Conference, and for the fourth time in four years I have the honor of being up for a prize. The previous three times were for Best Novella, but this year I’ve upped my game and am on the ballot for the BIG prize, Best Novel. I have no expectation of winning, mind you, but seriously just being nominated truly is an honor.

The conference has a massive signing session, an award banquet on Saturday night, as well as various outings/fieldtrips, but this year the people working behind the scenes have really outdone themselves in assembling some really great panels that will be of interest and support to professional writers. I encourage you to check out the full list. Meanwhile, here’s where you’ll be able to find me:

Thursday, May 12th
8:00 – 9:30 p.m. (Monroe Ballroom) Welcome Reception
The formal start of the conference as SF/F professional mingle and eat free nibblies.

Friday, May 13th
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Clark 3) Ask An Expert – Memory
This year, they’re offering something new and different for those authors (and anyone, really) who want to pick an expert’s brain for ten minutes. In this case, the topic is human memory. Come and aske me how it works (or doesn’t). Sign-up required.

8:00 – 9:30 p.m. (Red Lacquer Room) Mass Autographing
Seriously, this is probably the best opportunity to catch so many authors in one place at one time for free. Dozens and dozens of authors will be there, pen in hand, waiting for you to shove a book in front of them. Don’t have a book? No probably, Dreamhaven Books will be there to sell you a few.>

Saturday, May 14th
10:00 – 12:00 p.m. (TBA) SFWA Business Meeting
For the first time in far too long, I won’t be giving a department report. Instead, I’ll be quivering with anticipation as the results of the Election are announced by the awesome Fran Wilde, the new Chair of the Election Committee. Whether I win a seat on the Board or not, I suspect I’ll be due some solace; I’m thinking breakfast pastry!

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (Clark 3) Ask An Expert – Hypnosis
Same concept as above, but I’m changing hats. In this session, I’ll answer your questions about hypnosis. How does hypnosis really work (as opposed to the crap that is the public portrayal of it)? What is trance? Can it be used to get a better contract out of a publisher? Once again, sign-up required.

6:00 – 6:30 a.m. (Empire Room) Nebula Reception
Whether or not you’re attending the banquet, come see how nicely I clean up (i.e., before I spill overpriced banquet food all over my tux). I’m told sedatives will be available for all the anxious nominees (but that may not actually be in the budget).

6:30 – 7:30 a.m. (Empire Room) Nebula Banquet
Why do we have a banquet before an awards ceremony? Is it a clever ruse to get people to show up? Wouldn’t renting out a room in a bar be a more effective ploy? It would certainly make for more interesting acceptance speeches, am I right? In any case, we’re having a banquet. You should come too.

7:30 – 9:30 a.m. (Empire Room) Nebula Award Ceremony
This is the big event, and we have John (I’m a PC) Hodgman as our emcee. With luck, the presentation will be a bit more PG than last year’s (c’mon, am I the only one who thought “butt-sex jokes” more than a little inappropriate?), and likely a lot more entertaining. Also awards, at least for some folks.

Sunday, May 15th
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (LaSalle 1) Language, Dialect, and Code-Switching
Societies are reflected in their language. Looking the common grounds of past and current societies gives a groundwork for developing dialect in future and secondary world settings.
With Juliette Wade (M), Tamara Vardomskaya, and Ellen Wright

The rest of the time I’ll either be sneaking off to some truly fine Chicago restaurants with my wife, sitting in the audience at other panels and soaking up all the brilliant things my colleagues are saying, or just chillaxing in the hospitality suite or the bar (you know, as one does).

See you at the Nebs!

My Tentative 2016 BayCon Schedule

No Comments » Written on April 27th, 2016 by
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One month from today I’ll be back on the west coast (northern California this time), starting my Memorial Day weekend by attending Baycon, where I’ve had the privilege of being named their “Special Language Guest.” We’re still working out a few of the details (like just how much Diet Coke I’ll drink in the course of four and a half days), but here’s the current version of my schedule. Personally, I think it looks pretty fantastic, but I confess I’m slightly biased.

Friday, May 27th
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (Convene ) Opening Ceremonies
The official start of what you know will be an awesome weekend!
With David Gerrold, Chris Butler, Anastasia Hunter, and The Library Bards

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Connect 4) How to Remember EVERYTHING!
Mnemonics and You! Come here me explain how memory works and how to enhance yours.

2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Collaborate 2) Star Trek – Why We Still Love It
From The Man Trap to to Star Trek Beyond, the franchise has spanned 50 years and still captures new generations of fans. Our panelists talk about the shows, the movies and the captivating universe that is Roddenberry’s legacy.
With David Gerrold, Wanda Kurtcu, and Irene Radford

7:00 – 9:00 p.m. (Convene) Meet The Guests
All attendees are invited to come meet and mingle with our guests at an informal reception.

Saturday, May 28th
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (The Courtyard) GOH Breakfast
We’ve got to eat, and apparently it’s a spectator event at this convention.
With Chris Butler, David Gerrold, Bonnie Gordon, Anastasia Hunter, and Xander Jeanneret

11:30 – 1:00 p.m. (Collaborate 2) Klingon 101
What’s the point of a convention having a Special Language Guest is you can’t learn some Klingon? In less than an hour I will teach you 80% of Klingon grammar. Believe it!

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Synergy 4) How Can Science Fiction and Fantasy Blend Well?
Yeah, how? Well, I could tell you here, but then you wouldn’t come to the panel. Ha!
Jennifer L. Carson, Jacob Fisk, Todd McCaffrey, and Irene Radford

Sunday, May 29th
12:00 – 12:30 p.m. (The Courtyard) Reading
Come and hear me read from Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard.

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Strategy) A Chat With Lawrence M. Schoen
They tell me there is ***LIMITED SEATING*** for this event. Please visit Prog Ops to sign up and be a part of the small group of attendees with whom I will officially chat.

2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Convene) GoH Interview: Lawrence M. Schoen
They won’t tell me what the questions are in advance, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be under oath. With luck, they will not be solicited questions from colleagues and family members.

Monday, May 30th
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (Synergy 4) Second Life’s Second Life
The living world is not enough. Come here us discuss existence in the virtual world of Second Life.
With Chris Butler, David Gerrold, Bonnie Gordon, Anastasia Hunter, and Xander Jeanneret

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (Engage) How We End
Death – social and personal experiences, in life and literature.
Gregg Castro (M), Colin Fisk, Setsu Uzume, Fred Wiehe, and Randy Smith

As always, be aware that some of the people listed on the items above may change or disappear. Times and locations of panels may alter. All attendees are responsible for their own action verbs.

See you at BayCon!

My Final 2016 NorWesCon Schedule

No Comments » Written on March 1st, 2016 by
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NorWesCon 39

The Fine folks at Norwescon have just sent me the final version of my convention schedule. It’s slightly different from the tentative version I posted here on January 27th, so here’s how it stands now:

Thursday, March 24th
04:00 – 05:00 p.m. (Evergreen 3&4) BIO15 – Alien Communication
With Pat MacEwen (M), Caroline Pate, Arthur Bozlee

07:00 – 08:00 p.m. (University Bookstore) Signing
I’ll be slipping away from the convention to head over to the U of W’s bookshop (4326 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105) to take a few questions, read a brief scene, and sign copies of Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard.

Friday, March 25th
02:00 – 03:00 p.m. (Cascade 9) EP07 – Fighting Through the 20k Slump
With Rhiannon Held (M), Django Wexler, John (J.A.) Pitts, Carol Berg

03:00 – 04:00 p.m. (Cascade 3&4) BIO14 – The Languages of Speculative Fiction
With Jason Bourget (M), David J. Peterson, Nina Post, Sean Hagle

04:00 – 04:30 p.m. (Cascade 1) R31 – Reading

Saturday, March 26th
12:00 – 01:00 p.m. (Cascade 10) SF08 – A Culture By Any Other Name
With Jason Bourget (M), Caroline M. Yoachim, Kim Ritchie, Luna Lindsey

2:00 – 03:00 p.m. (Evergreen 3&4) POP04 – How Star Trek Changed My Life
With Brooks Peck (M), Rachael Sabotini, Jason Bourget

3:00 – 04:00 p.m. (Grand 2) MISC29 – Autograph Session 2
With Amber Clark, Annie Bellet, Brenda Cooper, Carol Berg, David J. Peterson, H.M. Jones, Jeff Sturgeon, Jude-Marie Green, Julie Dillon, Katie Cord, Megan Kelso, Nina Post, Peter Orullian, Raven Oak, Stephen L. Gillett, Todd Lockwood

Sunday, March 27th
12:00 – 01:00 p.m. (Cascade 10) EP16 – Biggest Mistake I Ever Made
With Paul Constant (M), G. Willow Wilson, Esther Jones, John Lovett

See you at Norwescon!

My Tentative 2016 ConDFW Schedule

No Comments » Written on January 31st, 2016 by
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In just a couple weeks, I’ll be returning to Dallas for the first time in decades. When I visited there 40 years ago it was in pursuit of the first girl I ever loved. This trip is much less romantic — despite it occurring over Valentine’s Weekend — but still sure to be enjoyable as I’ll be attending ConDFW.

Here’s the current version of my schedule. It could still change, but I think it’s pretty solid.

Friday, February 12th
03:00 p.m. (Jefferson) That’s No Moon! Designing Space Stations in Space Opera
With the advent of Star Wars VII’s Starkiller Base, we have yet another gigantic space station in space opera. Between a base built into a planet (or vice versa, of course), and more standard space stations such as Bespin, Babylon V or Deep Space Nine, how does an author create a place for a story to revolve around? Our space opera experts debate these and other issues.
With John DeLaughter (M), John Scalzi, Michael Ashleigh Finn, Melanie Fletcher

04:00 p.m. (The Gallery) Autographing
Bring me something to sign. Could be a book, could be a sandwich (okay, maybe not).
With Melanie Fletcher

Saturday, February 13th
11:00 a.m. (Madison) Reading
Come by and listen to me read from Barsk. Stina Licht is also there (though likely reading from something else, but you never know..
With Stina Licht

01:00 p.m. (Madison) What Genre is Batman?
It’s difficult to pigeonhole what genre a book falls into sometimes. But can traditional comic heroes be described in literary genres? Batman, for instance, probably could fit into the cyberpunk genre. Superman could fit into Urban Fantasy (while he is on Earth) or Science Fiction (off Earth). Our panelists attempt to label your favorite superhero, and then defend why they are that genre. With R. Cat Conrad (M), Michael Ashleigh Finn, David Doub, Frances May

Sunday, March 27th
11:00 a.m. (Madison) The Art of the Contract
If you want to try more traditional ways of publishing, you’re going to need to learn how to read fine print. Our publishers talk about contracts, what to look out for and what to hold out for.
With Julia S. Mandala (M), Rhonda Eudaly, T.M. Hunter, David L. Gray

As always, be aware that some of the people listed on the items above may change or disappear. Times and locations of panels may alter.

See you at ConDFW!

My Tentative 2016 NorWesCon Schedule

No Comments » Written on January 27th, 2016 by
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NorWesCon 39

March has me hopping. Early in the month I need to turn in my ballot for the Independent Star Trek Fan Film Awards, and soon after I’ll be traveling to New Mexico for a visit with a childhood friend, a writers’ retreat, and a reunion of some of alumnae of various Taos Toolbox classes. After that I’m flying to Seattle for my first ever visit to NorWesCon where I’ll enjoy four days of panels and programming and hanging out with some of the Pacific Northwest’s finest authors. I’ll also take a side trip out to the University Bookstore at the U of W to do a signing event because those people need to receive the word of Barsk!

Here’s the current version my schedule. It could still changed, but they seem pretty confident. If there are any alterations, I’ll let you know.

Thursday, March 24th
04:00 – 05:00 p.m. (Cascade 3&4) BIO15 – Alien Communication
With Pat MacEwen (M), Caroline Pate, Arthur Bozlee

07:00 – 08:00 p.m. (University Bookstore) Signing
I’ll be slipping away from the convention to head over to the U of W’s bookshop (4326 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105) to take a few questions, read a brief scene, and sign copies of Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard.

Friday, March 25th
02:00 – 03:00 p.m. (Cascade 9) EP07 – Fighting Through the 20k Slump
With Rhiannon Held (M), Django Wexler, John (J.A.) Pitts, Carol Berg

03:00 – 04:00 p.m. (Cascade 3&4) BIO14 – The Languages of Speculative Fiction
With Jason Bourget (M), David J. Peterson, Nina Post, Sean Hagle

04:00 – 04:30 p.m. (Cascade 1) R31 – Reading

Saturday, March 26th
12:00 – 01:00 p.m. (Cascade 10) SF08 – A Culture By Any Other Name
With Jason Bourget (M), Caroline M. Yoachim, Kim Ritchie, Luna Lindsey

2:00 – 03:00 p.m. (Evergreen 3&4) POP04 – How Star Trek Changed My Life
With Brooks Peck (M), Rachael Sabotini, Jason Bourget

3:00 – 04:00 p.m. (Grand 2) MISC29 – Autograph Session 2
With Amber Clark, Annie Bellet, Brenda Cooper, Carol Berg, David J. Peterson, H.M. Jones, Jeff Sturgeon, Jude-Marie Green, Julie Dillon, Katie Cord, Megan Kelso, Nina Post, Peter Orullian, Raven Oak, Stephen L. Gillett, Todd Lockwood

Sunday, March 27th
12:00 – 01:00 p.m. (Cascade 10) EP16 – Biggest Mistake I Ever Made
With Paul Constant (M), G. Willow Wilson, Esther Jones, John Lovett

Please note that some of the people listed on the items above may vanish from a particular panel. Times and locations of panels may change (or disappear entirely). I’m posting this schedule on based on what I’ve been told, but it’s all still technically in flux.

See you at Norwescon!

My 2016 ConFusion Schedule

No Comments » Written on January 6th, 2016 by
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The next couple of weeks are going to be busy. Two days after I return from Arisia, I have my “official” book launch in Philadelphia for Barsk. But I won’t be celebrating long into the night, because I have an early flight to Michigan and this year’s ConFusion, a convention I’ve only attended once before and which I’ve been very eager to return to.

The convention takes place in Novi, MI, just outside of Detroit. I’ll also be doing a book signing in (relatively) nearby Lansing on Thursday,January 21st at Schuler Books, as well as participating in a Tor authors event at the Barnes & Noble in Northville, on Friday night (both of these start at 7pm).

As for the convention itself, here’s my schedule of what I’ll be doing, where and when as part of Life, the Universe, and ConFusion:

Friday, January 22nd
05:00 p.m. Star Wars & Star Trek
With 2016 marking the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, and with the return of Star Wars to the big screen, come talk about the two fan favorite science fiction franchises that have had such a profound and wide-ranging impact on the genre.
With Eric Distad, Christian Klaver, Cindy A. Matthews, and Jeannie Szarama

Saturday, January 23rd
02:00 p.m. Seeing the World Through Different Eyes
Fiction should imagine the entire breadth of human experience. Too often though, it only embraces neurotypical characters. Not every brain works the same. What is neurodiversity? How does it impact story? Who’s doing it well?
With Mari Brighe (M), Jim C. Hines, Megan E. O’Keefe, and Stina Leicht

05:00 p.m. Autograph Session 2
I’m hoping to sign many many copies of Barsk. Please do your part and bring me one. Oh, and I’ll have bookplates. You know you want a bookplate!

07:00 p.m. Researching the Science: Where Do You Find the Science for Your Science Fiction?
Resources for finding good science. Where to go, what to look for and how to cite it.
With Daniel Dugan, Catherine Shaffer, Gordon Smith, and Kristine Smith

Sunday, January 24th
12:00 p.m. Repudiating the Replicator
Driven, perhaps, by Star Trek’s replicator and the utilitarian mush of NASA space travel, food in a science fictional setting has been criminally overlooked and underdeveloped. Why has this become the dominant narrative? How should food be used to world build a science fiction story? What stories have used food effectively?
With Alaya Dawn Johnson, Ann Leckie, and Elizabeth Shack (M)

As with the trip to Boston the week before, I will be at the mercy of the weather gods, coming and going. I have a late flight home on Sunday, and then a week to recover from ten days of travel before I’m on the road again.

See you at ConFusion!