February is promising to be busy. Along with a book signing tour into North Carolina and a convention visit to Texas, I’ll be finishing the month off with a trip to Roanoke, Virgina and my first visit to Mysticon. To no one’s surprise — given that the GoH is GRRM — the convention has been sold out for months and promises to be exciting.
Here’s my current best guess regarding my schedule, but as we’re still two months out it could change. If it does, I’ll post a update.
Friday, February 26th
03:00 p.m. (Ballroom D) Anthology Don’ts
There are always rules for submitting in anthologies: length, subject matter, etc. Our panelists discuss the common errors they see (or have been guilty of) in anthology submissions.
With Anita Allenm Alexandra Christian, Tera Fulbright, John G. Hartness, Faith Hunter, and Michael A. Ventrella
Saturday, February 27th
01:30 p.m. (Rm 533) Reading
To absolutely no one’s surprise, I’ll be reading from my shiny new novel, Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, and possibly drop some hints about a new book I’m working on.
02:00 p.m. (Dealers’ Room) Signing
That’s right, I’ll be going straight from my reading to Signing Table A. Meanwhile, somewhere nearby in the convention, the Mysticon GoH, George R. R. Martin will also be signing. Please do not get us confused. Hey, it could happen.
With Baine Kelly
Sunday, February 28th
09:00 a.m. (Ballroom C) Building Your Brand
Done properly, self-promotion is an important part of building a career. Poorly executed, self-promotion can do more harm than good. Our panelists will discuss what works and doesn’t work along with these common questions: Do book-signings really help a small author? Are bookmarks and/or postcards effective at garnering attention? Does a blog help or hurt an author? Does an author have to have a website?
With Alexandra Christian, Faith Hunter, Baine Kelly, Chris Kennedy, Pamela K. Kinney, Jim Lavene, Michael A. Ventrella
10:00 a.m. (Board Room 1) Writing, Up Close and Personal
This panel will cover point-of-view choices and how to “write close†to your point-of-view characters. Do certain points of view only work with certain types of stories? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each form?
With Alexandra Christian, Emmy Jackson, Pamela K. Kinney, Michael A. Ventrella

Please note that some of the people listed on the items above may vanish from a particular panel. I’m posting this schedule on based on what I’ve been told, and it’s all still technically in flux.
See you at Mysticon!