Back in January, I had the privilege to be a GoH at Illogicon in Raleigh, NC, and as I posted back then, William Shatner was in town performing his one-man show, Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It.
What I didn’t mention at the time was that I had been attempting to get singer Kat Robichaud to show up at the convention. She had been my favorite on The Voice that season (before being wrongly eliminated!). I knew from following her on Twitter that she was fans of both Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman, so I invited her to come to the convention as it was happening in her home town of Raleigh. Alas, she had a competing gig.
I flew home from the convention on the 13th of January, and that’s when this Twitter thread started…

I had a wonderful time in Raleigh as Guest of Honor at #Illogicon. Just sad neither @WilliamShatner nor @katrowbeeshow dropped by.
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 13, 2014
@klingonguy @WilliamShatner I was out of town!!!
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 13, 2014
@katrowbeeshow perhaps Fate will provode another chance to learn "soft kitty" in Klingon. @WilliamShatner
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 13, 2014
@katrowbeeshow @klingonguy Likely story. I was *in* town for the day and booked to do a gig.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 13, 2014
@WilliamShatner @klingonguy Are you calling me a liar, SHATNER?
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 13, 2014
@katrowbeeshow @klingonguy If the shoe fits Cinderella…
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 13, 2014
@WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow Bill, don't be mean, you're better than that. And you *know* you want to record too
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 13, 2014
@klingonguy @katrowbeeshow When are you people going to start believing me; I'm a meanie! Not a blue one but a meanie nonetheless! 😉
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 13, 2014
@WilliamShatner @klingonguy Oh man, I would actually kill for some glass slippers. That would look so fierce on stage.
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 13, 2014
@WilliamShatner @klingonguy Do you know where I can get a pair?
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 13, 2014
@WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow Stop fighting you two. I refuse to choose between one of my best friends and one of my heroes.
— Keith Lewis (@Kemosaabi) January 14, 2014
@Kemosaabi @WilliamShatner Keith, I didn't know I was your hero!!!! Awwwwwwww
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 14, 2014
“@katrowbeeshow: @Kemosaabi @WilliamShatner Keith, I didn't know I was your hero!!!! Awwwwwwww†You are just full of fairy tales today…
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
“@katrowbeeshow: @WilliamShatner @klingonguy Do you know where I can get a pair?†I happen to be Twitter friends with the Blue Fairy…
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow blue fairy, huh? Clearly I need more diversity. All my friends are either SF authors or Klingon speakers.
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow @klingonguy
Sure, I can hook you up. But you do know that all magic comes with a price, right?
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner @Kemosaabi bahahahaha that's awesome. You are awesome. I tip my hat to you, sir.
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 14, 2014
@klingonguy @WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow
lojmIt yIpoSmoh.
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
BTW, @WilliamShatner I'll get you a pair too. What size are you in glass slippers again? Totally forget from last time.
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@keegolicious Dorothy's slippers were a size 9 but were a little tight. Do glass slipper run true to size?
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
tlhIngan Hol Dalo'choHchugh, ghaytan @WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow je DaghIjqu'.
But I liked it.
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner @klingonguy well, hook a sister up.
— Kat Robichaud (@katrowbeeshow) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner Depends. Canadian, US or European?
BTW, Dorothy's still peeved about that. You stretched the heck outta those slippers.
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@katrowbeeshow Meet the blue fairy: @keegolicious
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
“@WilliamShatner: @katrowbeeshow Meet the blue fairy: @keegoliciousâ€
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@keegolicious Canadian of course and tell Dorothy it was the old witch she stole the slippers from that had the big feet.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner Alright, I'll cover you about the shoes but you'll have to explain the dress yourself.
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@keegolicious I told you Toto the dog was so excited that it peed on me when I picked it up and there was nothing else to wear.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 14, 2014
@williamshatner Of course. Who knew Toto was a Trekkie!?
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@WilliamShatner By the way, Blue really is your colour…💙
— Keegan Connor Tracy (@keegolicious) January 14, 2014
@klingonguy @WilliamShatner @katrowbeeshow "Or"? Surely you meant {joq} and not {ghap}.
— De'vID (@dlyongemallo) January 18, 2014
@dlyongemallo, alas, no. I'm the intersection of those two sets. and neither @WilliamShatner or @katrowbeeshow are part of the Venn diagram
— Lawrence M. Schoen (@klingonguy) January 18, 2014

That was pretty much it. I’ve edited out some of the side comments here and there.
In hindsight, I see now that I missed my chance to ask about getting some new footwear for myself (though shoes aren’t really my thing, but I bet Valerie would have loved a pair).
As far as I know, Kat has yet to appear on stage wearing glass slippers, and neither she nor Bill have recorded “Soft Targ.” And there you have it.