
Posts Tagged ‘Health’

Something Fishy Indeed

1 Comment » Written on March 3rd, 2017 by
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My wife has been struggling with a number of health issues, and we’ve been through a wide variety of tests. I had my money on Lyme disease, but no the tests ruled that out. Nor was it Fibromyalgia (and it wasn’t Lupus). Earlier this week we were able to get in to see an Integrative Medicine specialist. He seemed confident that he had an explanation for all of Valerie’s ailments and he was quite convincing. Among the treatments he’s prescribing is a move away from land-based animal protein and a move toward raw vegetables.

Nothing is more important to me than Valerie’s health and happiness, and I know firsthand how difficult such a dramatic change in lifestyle can be, particularly when attempting it by yourself. Which is why I am taking the plunge with her.

I will be easing into the dietary habits of a pescetarian. This is apt to be particularly challenging as I do not like most fruits and vegetables.

Those of you who have followed my exploits and know of my writing “process” are likely aware that most afternoons (after I’ve finished my hours at the DayJob) I plant myself in a corner booth at a local KFC and write. This means that I generally eat fried chicken (in one manifestation or another) at least five days a week. Also, while pounding away on my keyboard at KFC, I will get up and refill my 16oz cup of diet cola numerous times, to the tune of at least half a gallon of the stuff each day (plus whatever I may have consumed in the morning at the DayJob and what I might drink later when I get home). This won’t be happening any more (and my sister Adrienne will likely find the timing of this amusing). No more trips to KFC. Yesterday was my last fried chicken. The poor employees at KFC who know me by name will likely assume I’ve died.

I’ll still drink the occasional Diet Coke, at least for now, but I’ll be transitioning to water or fruit juice and the like for most of my beverages.

We have a lot of other animal protein stocked up (e.g., a case of vacuum-packed, smoked duck breasts!) that I will work my way through in the weeks ahead, but I’ll be transitioning to fish and that’s no hardship for me. Also I’ll be eliminating most sugar and flour from my diet and replacing it with a lot more salad and other vegetables. Terrifying stuff.

I’ll also be saying goodbye to eggs and dairy. Cheese will be particularly missed. Yesterday, I was at a meeting hosted by Temple Hospital and they had a small spread for the attendees. To my own amazement, I bypassed the cheese platter and filled a small plate with some grapes, fresh broccoli, and a carrot slice. I had never previously eaten raw broccoli and I was surprised to find I liked it.

I baked up some swai fillets this morning for tonight’s dinner. And right now instead of sitting and working at a KFC, I’m sitting at Bryn + Dane’s and drinking a “Mo’ Green” smoothie. I’ve never had one before, but allegedly all it contains is kale, wheatgrass, pineapple and mango.

If all these changes don’t kill me, I suspect I’ll be considerably healthier the next time you see me.

Public Service Announcement (Followed By Shamelessly Self-Serving Challenge) for February 2015

No Comments » Written on February 10th, 2015 by
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Attention all Lifetime, Active, and Associate Members of SFWA: This is to remind you that the deadline for submitting your nomination ballot for the 2014 Nebula Awards is coming up fast: February 15, 2015, 11:59 pm PST.

2014 saw a lot of fine fiction published. As a member in good standing of SFWA, you get to submit up to five nominations in each category (short story, novelette, novella, novel, as well as the Norton and Bradbury awards), and the top six results then land on the final ballot, which will be available by February 20th.

Note: if you’ve put it off, haven’t read much of anything yet, and don’t know where to start, this might be a good time to check out the Nebula Suggested Reading List and see what your peers are considering as their top picks. Though of course, your mileage may vary.


As you may know (if you’ve crossed my social media path), roughly six months ago I stumbled into “the zone” and I’ve been there ever since, eating better, exercising more, making better choices towards a healthier life. In practical terms, this has meant a loss of some thirty-five pounds, which is to say, about 12% of me. By the time of the Nebula Awards Weekend in June, I expect to have dwindled further, at least fifty pounds worth, or actually a bit more if you were to be comparing me to my size at last year’s event in San Jose.

And mentioning last year’s Nebula Awards is a deliberate segue. You may have seen pictures from the banquet. In particular, photos of a stunning, purple-haired woman in a gorgeous vintage gown and the large, tuxedoed man standing next to her. That’s my wife, Valerie, and me.

I’ve only worn a tux twice in the past forty years or more, and both times were for the last two Nebula Awards banquet nights. My feeling is, if SFWA members are going to do me the honor of putting my name on a ballot, the least I can do is to dress up for it. Particularly given that the protagonist in my nominated novellas usually wears a tuxedo.

Now, here’s the challenge: if you want to see me (or see photos of me) in a tuxedo, before and after at least a fifty pound weight loss, then your course is clear: you need to do your part to put me on the ballot one more time!

Hey, I told you in the header that this was shameless, stop rolling your eyes at me!

So that’s the deal. If I make the ballot for an unprecedented third year in a row with another novella from the same series, I’ll show up in Chicago in a tuxedo, and subsequently post before and after photos to my various social media realms. If not, alas, the world will never get to see the contrast in all its sartorial splendor.

It’s in your hands.

Calling ALL Klingon and Star Trek Fans – My Friend Needs Your Help!

No Comments » Written on January 13th, 2013 by
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Jay Lake and Lawrence M. Schoen

It’s been my great pleasure to number Jay Lake among my friends. He’s been my editor and publisher for a couple stories, and I’ve been his editor and publisher for a couple of stories. And despite this, we’re still friends!

Here’s a photo of us together (taken by Scott Edelman, Yokohama, Japan, 2007). I’m the handsome, bespectacled, large fellow with the van dyke, and Jay’s the other guy.

As you may or may not already know, Jay’s been fighting cancer for several years. The current hope for treatment involves whole genome sequencing of a tumor, an obscenely expensive procedure. So when I learned of the fundraiser to pay to have this procedure, with any extra proceeds going to cover a leave of absence from his DayJob, I contacted one of the folks organizing the effort and asked how I could help (beyond, you know, just throwing money at it).

Now, if futuristic medical science isn’t enough to get your attention, here’s where it gets really interesting. Various famous authors stepped up and promised to supply “Acts of Whimsy” in response to various amounts of money being raised.

I can’t compete with the epic power of the fanbases of people like Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi, but it occurred to me that I could provide something they can’t, specifically, a Klingon Act of Whimsy!

As I write this, the big toteboard on Jay’s fundraising page is just a bit under $40K. It’s been running for less than four days, and managed more than $20K in its first 24 hours. For reasons dating all the way back to my fraternity days (and let’s have a shout-out to Sigma Nu here, as a challenge to them as well!), the number 46 has always been dear to me. So, here’s my pledge: if the donations reach $46K, I will post a video in which I reveal (and correctly pronounce), Five Pick-Up Lines Used in Federations Bars by Klingons!!!

Here’s the thing, whether you speak Klingon, or you are a part of Klingon fandom, or you hang out with people who dress like Klingons, or you want to know what the hell that alien is saying to you in the bar, this is your chance to know! And all you have to do to make it happen is contribute a small donation to this extraordinary fundraising event.

So, even if you’ve never read a word of Jay’s fiction or had the great pleasure to meet and talk with the man, I am challenging every Klingon fan to lend their support, show me your heart, and laugh in the face of cancer. And I am challenging every Star Trek fan to make a contribution and boldly call forth a miracle of science. I’ve spent the last 20 years traveling the world promoting Klingon and I’ve seen first hand what Star Trek can inspire. Now it’s personal, and I’m asking you to show a little bit of that here and now for my friend.

That, and I know you want those pick-up lines.

Here’s the link, click it, give it a read, and then show some Trek love. Thank you.

Winding down another Sunday

No Comments » Written on January 13th, 2013 by
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Valerie and I are home after another Sunday “date night.” She usually works on Sundays, and so we’ve gotten into the habit of my driving out to KoP and picking her up as her shift ends and then heading over to Seasons 52 for dinner. A bit pricey, but the food is always excellent and healthy for us, and incredibly it’s one of the few places where we’re both really happy to dine.

Today’s dinner ran a bit early as Valerie’s shift was cut a couple hours short. Also, I had to drop off my computer at the Apple store (conveniently downstairs from V’s shop) to get a new battery installed. The work was done while we were off at dinner and now the device is as good as new. Well, as new as a three-year old MacBook can be — I have my eye on a lovely 11″ MacAir, but that’s another story (which I need to tell to my accountant).

Anyway, we’re back home and the evening is winding down. This week is done and next week promises to be a whirlwind of daily appointments, doctor visits, project juggling, air travel, and conventioning. Woo!

Fortunately, tomorrow’s installment of EATING AUTHORS is already done. But that may be the only sign of me on this blog next week.

Another Friday

2 comments Written on July 27th, 2012 by
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It’s another Friday, but marked more than most.

For most of the world, today marks the start of the Olympic games. Like many, I’m turned off by the financial tumult the games bring to the hose nation, by the sheer mercantilism and nonsense of it all. I don’t like the whole “how many medals have we won attitude that I see on television (and the linguist in me really wishes that English differentiated between inclusive and exclusive first person plural pronouns, but alas). On the other hand, I do enjoy seeing some of the performances, the tangible/visual results of dedication of will and time and passion. That part is extraordinary.

For a smaller group of people, today marks a “choice point” in terms of quantum mechanical many worlds theorists who happen to subscribe to the fictional intentions of the ReDeus anthology that debuts next week. That universe begins today, a universe in which all the gods of every culture come back to resume their rightful places as objects of worship. Of course, you have to wait a week for the book, but oh well.

And, on a smaller and more intimate level, today marks my 53rd birthday. I’m spending the day quietly. I got up, did a bit of work, sent a few emails. I went to the gym, pushed myself a bit more than usual, and that was good. Then I went off and ate Chinese food, and that was good too. I’ve started in on another of the finalists that I’m reading for the Endeavor Award, and I’m enjoying the book (also a good thing). Having returned home from brunch, I’m doing laundry (eh, not so much a good as a necessary thing) and I’ll be doing some more work on a Paper Golem project as the day wears on.

I haven’t talked about it here, partly because I always worry of being one of those people who end up talking rather than doing, but since I came back from a Klingon gig in the Spring I’ve been a bit more careful about what and how much I eat, as well as improving my exercise regimin. I’m happy to report that I’ve dropped about 15 pounds and I feel great. In fact, I’m probably healthier now than I was a year ago.

There’s still a lot of stress in my work life, but I’ve become more philosophical about it and I’m not letting it get to me as much, and that’s a huge improvement. On the writing and publishing ends of thing, I find my creative powers are booming and I’m feeling more productive than I have in quite a while. So, yeah, yeah me.

My wife is happy and healthy, my dog is a source of delight. I have plenty of people in my life who are generous with their time and creativity and intelligence.

So, to the extent that I’m celebrating my birthday today, I’m doing so by acknowledging once more what a truly blessed life I enjoy, and giving thanks to the people who make it so. If you’d like to join in, go have a piece of cake, on me.

Back on track in the sack

No Comments » Written on December 9th, 2011 by
Categories: News

After several days of wretched insomnia, I seem to be back on track at last. Last night served up a fairly solid six hours (though I did awaken at several points throughout the night, I also managed to go back to sleep).

Up today a bit before six a.m., got some reading done for a novella contest I’ve been involved in, put in some time cleaning up the mess that is my office (seriously, where does all this crap come from?), and in a very short while I’ll be off to Pilates.

Valerie and I have an afternoon movie and dinner scheduled for later today, but we may end up postponing that for a week. Discussion to follow. All in all though, it’s looking like a pretty good day.

Oh, and one more thing: it’s cold out. That means I may opt to build a fire at some point. That would be nice too.

Oh look, it’s 3am…

No Comments » Written on December 8th, 2011 by
Categories: News

Ugh. Insomnia. Again.

New Gym for Summer?

No Comments » Written on September 22nd, 2011 by
Categories: News

Last year, Valerie and I let our membership at the Plymouth Meeting Community Center lapse, and instead bought memberships at a nearby YMCA.

The Y had several times the fitness equipment that we liked, and quite a bit more space for it. But it was also further away, and I didn’t much care for the locker rooms or the pool, and so I stopped going. Bad, Lawrence.

Valerie’s been out of “gym commission” for the last few months, and other than being beaten up by my Pilates instructor I have not been getting much in the way of exercise (as is made evident by the bathroom scale).

Today I dropped by a newly-opened Planet Fitness. It’s a bit closer than the Y, and it’s on the way to work. The price is very good. There’s no pool, but there are plenty of ellipticals and similar cardio-type machines that I like to use. And the locker room is nicer (by which I mean not as small) as the Y’s. Plus, if I went with their “Black Card” membership, I’d have unlimited use of massage chairs, tanning, and red-light therapy treatments (though I don’t know that I need any of that), and the price would still be less than half of the Y.

I’ve had a bad experience with a different, nation-wide gym chain, but they seemed to have a very different business model.

Any of you have any experience with Planet Fitness (or tanning machines or red-light therapy, for that matter)? This would be a good time to share those insights with me. Thanks.

Bottom line though, I need to get myself back into a gym!