
Posts Tagged ‘Novelocity’

Novelocity – Favorite Parts of the Writing Process

No Comments » Written on February 6th, 2015 by
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My apologies. I’ve been a bit lax when it comes to putting up posts when a new Vector shows up at Novelocity.

The current topic is our favorite parts of the writing process.

Here’re my thoughts on the topic, written back in January:

I’ve just finished responding to the copyedits of my next novel, and that may be biasing my answer, but I have to say it was at one and the same time a terrifying and giddy experience.

The terrifying part (at least for me) stems from the uncertainty when first looking at page after page of notes and comments and corrections. Is the copyeditor going to find huge, gaping holes, or embarrassing bits of grammatical flaws, or perhaps just not get the point of the book or the voice and style.

The giddying part though (again, at least for me) is seeing how someone new responds to the book, and realizing how the copyedits actually improve the reading experience and make me look damn clever!

But that’s just me. To see how the others in our little group responded, just head on over to Novelocity.

Novelocity – Which authors have left you wanting more?

No Comments » Written on January 28th, 2014 by
Categories: News

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a member of Novelocity, an authors’ consortium that regularly posts topics for discussion.

Our current question is Which authors have left you wanting more?

Here’s how I answered:

This is a brutal question, but I’m going to break into two parts. I’d have liked more of Burroughs’s planetary adventure novels; I’d trade ten later Tarzan novels for another visit to Amtor or Barsoom, and twenty of them for a sequel to Beyond the Farthest Star. I want an Alfred Bester novel that takes on the SF trope of Time Travel the way he brilliantly defined the genre’s take on Telepathy and Teleportation and Immortality in his other works. I’d like to discover a manuscript in a trunk in New Mexico with a sequel to Zelazny’s Jack of Shadows and find out if Morningstar reached Jack in time, and what happened after. I desperately wish my friend Jay had more time, and could give us the third volume from his City Imperishable trilogy.

Those are the books I don’t imagine getting, but there are others that I might. I want to read Walter Jon Williams’s third book in his Metropolitan series, if only a major publisher will come along and pay him to write it. I want to begin reading a long series of books about the next generation of Vorkosigans. I want another book form China Mieville like Perdido Street Station that pummeled me with its sheer brilliance and creativity, or Embassytown that felt like he was writing directly to me. And I’m sure I’m not alone wishing that Ursula Le Guin would take us back to the world of The Left Hand of Darkness, because surely we need it here in this 21st century we’re living in.

If you’d like to see how others in our little group responded, just head on over to Novelocity for “part one” of the answer. The second part posts later in the week.

Novelocity – Favorite College Reads

No Comments » Written on January 15th, 2014 by
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As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’m part of a small group of authors performing various stealth missions under the sobriquet of Novelocity. Each week we kick around a different topic, and various members share their thoughts.

Today’s topic is our favorite books from college.

Here’s how I answered:

My undergrad years were a mess. It took me six years. Along the way I dropped out of university, lost my scholarship, worked on a loading dock, went back to a different school, changed my major three times, and eventually petitioned the university to let me design my own.

I tell you all of this because it provides the background for the book that kept me whole during that time, Roger Zelazny’s Doorways in the Sand. It’s the story of Fred Cassidy, a young man whose uncle wills a healthy stipend to his nephew until he completes an undergraduate degree. Fred chooses never to graduate! As the novel begins he’s been in school more than a decade, always changing majors one class short of a degree. He’s outlasted multiple academic advisors and authored academic papers worthy of dissertations! Fred Cassidy is the perpetual student, and he gets caught up in adventures far beyond his dreams. Friends and strangers try to kill him. Aliens disguised as animals pursue him. A missing artifact on loan from a museum on another planet sends him secret messages. If that’s not enough for you, Fred has every cell in his body rotated into its mirror opposite, which in turn changes the flavor of everything he eats and almost guarantees that he’ll be dying of malnutrition because he can no longer process right-handed proteins.

Through it all, Fred draws on insights and experiences that you’d expect from someone who has nearly completed every major at a modern university. Read this book, you come away with that same feeling. It’s empowering, creating a sense of control at a time in a young adult’s life when everything seems to be chaos.

I reread this book every semester during exam week. It put everything in perspective for me.

If you’d like to see how others in our little group responded, just head on over to Novelocity.